Tutorial by Topics: k

Elixir Advanced tips and tricks which save our time while coding.
The style of the new ttk widgets is one of the most powerful aspects of ttk. Besides the fact that it is a completely different way of working than the traditional tk package, it enables to perform a huge degree of customization on your widgets.
ChemPy is a python package designed mainly to solve and address problems in physical, analytical and inorganic Chemistry. It is a free, open-source Python toolkit for chemistry, chemical engineering, and materials science applications.
This section provides an overview of what jenkins-pipeline is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within jenkins-pipeline, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for jenkins-pipeline is new, you may need to create initial ver...
This topic covers the basics of Kotlin for beginners. Kotlin file has an extension .kt. All classes in Kotlin have a common superclass Any, that is a default super for a class with no supertypes declared(similar to Object in Java). Variables can be declared as val(immutable- assign once) o...
If you want more than a simple string replacement with common regular expressions you certainly run into trouble and hit the wall when discovering the limits of the regex functions Coldfusion has. There is no build-in function like php's preg_replace_callback. ParameterDetailsreThe regular expr...
I have analyzed that ratio of getting TokenMismatch Error is very high. And this error occurs because of some silly mistakes. There are many reasons where developers are making mistakes. Here are some of the examples i.e No _token on headers, No _token passed data when using Ajax, permission issue o...
Robot framework is widely used in Automation testing of Embedded products. We are going to take an Embedded product as an example and see how to automate the test cases using Robot Framework. Abbreviation: RPS - Remote power supply RF - Robot frame work
You can create a custom loss function and metrics in Keras by defining a TensorFlow/Theano symbolic function that returns a scalar for each data-point and takes the following two arguments: tensor of true values, tensor of the corresponding predicted values. Note that the loss/metric (for display a...
themeAnnArborcolor themeseahoarse For other themes and colors you can visit here
Swift server with Kitura Kitura is a web framework written in swift that is created for web services. It's very easy to set up for HTTP requests. For environment, it needs either OS X with XCode installed, or Linux running swift 3.0.
The MESSAGE statement may be used to interrupt program flow to display short messages to the user. Messages content may be defined in the program's code, in the program's text symbols, or in an independent message class defined in SE91. The maximum length of a message, including parameters pas...
This section provides an overview of what sikuli is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within sikuli, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for sikuli is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics....
An R Notebook is an R Markdown document with chunks that can be executed independently and interactively, with output visible immediately beneath the input. They are similar to R Markdown documents with the exception of results being displayed in the R Notebook creation/edit mode rather than in the ...
Sometimes you may need to use pip package manager inside python eg. when some imports may raise ImportError and you want to handle the exception. If you unpack on Windows Python_root/Scripts/pip.exeinside is stored __main__.py file, where main class from pip package is imported. This means pip packa...
There are two methods to get messages and informations from your bot: The /getUpdates function wich is documented pretty straight forward in the spectific section of the documentation Next: The webhook function which is a bit more complex and often causes issues. The difference basically is that ...
Bash is often commonly used in the management and maintenance of servers and clusters. Information pertaining to typical commands used by network operations, when to use which command for which purpose, and examples/samples of unique and/or interesting applications of it should be included
A code block is a piece of Python program text that can be executed as a unit, such as a module, a class definition or a function body. Some code blocks (like modules) are normally executed only once, others (like function bodies) may be executed many times. Code blocks may textually contain other c...
NUI : A natural user interface (NUI) is a system for human-computer interaction that the user operates through intuitive actions related to natural, everyday human behavior. Kivy is a Python library for development of multi-touch enabled media rich applications which can be installed on different d...
Concepts of weak Hashmap

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