Tutorial by Topics: k

pip is the most widely-used package manager for the Python Package Index, installed by default with recent versions of Python. pip <command> [options] where <command> is one of: install Install packages uninstall Uninstall packages freeze Output installed pack...
A makefile is a text file which controls the operation of the make program. The make program is typically used to manage the creation of programs from their source files, but it can be more generally used to handle any process where files (or targets) need to be regenerated after other files (or ...
<pre>Formatted text</pre> <code>Inline Code</code> The code element should be used for any kind of "string that a computer would recognize" (HTML5), for example: source code terms from markup/programming languages (element names, function names, etc.) ...
Certain words - so-called keywords - are treated specially in JavaScript. There's a plethora of different kinds of keywords, and they have changed in different versions of the language.
Django REST Framework is a toolkit for building Web Apps. It helps the programmer to do REST APIs, but it can handle less mature API levels. For further information on API maturity levels, search for Richardson's Maturity Model. In particular, Django REST Framework does not endorse any particular...
Events are pieces of data that a program can create, exchange and react upon. The asynchronous event flow is dispatched over display list by Flash engine as a reaction on external events, such as mouse movements or another frame being displayed. Every other event flow and all event processing is s...
Starter kits enable new users to start using Emacs quickly and avoid some of the setup hurdles that come from a mature system like Emacs -- one that has grown through decades of evolution and naturally has some historical quirks. Experienced users also benefit from having a kit configuration...
Kafka is a high throughput publish-subscribe messaging system implemented as distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service. Taken from official Kafka site Fast A single Kafka broker can handle hundreds of megabytes of reads and writes per second from thousands of clients. Scalable...
The anti-forgery token can be used to help protect your application against cross-site request forgery. To use this feature, call the AntiForgeryToken method from a form and add the ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute attribute to the action method that you want to protect. Generates a hidden form fi...
Akka is an open-source toolkit and runtime simplifying the construction of concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM. It implements the actor model known from Erlang. It should also mention any large subjects within akka, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for...
Sound.play(startTime:Number = 0, loops:int = 0, sndTransform:flash.media:SoundTransform = null):SoundChannel // Plays a loaded sound, returns a SoundChannel

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