Tutorial by Topics: me

This example shows a practical end to end example of creating a PayPal future payment from an Android device, using a Node server.
Starting with SQL Server 2008, it is possible to perform insert, update, or delete operations in a single statement using the MERGE statement. The MERGE statement allows you to join a data source with a target table or view, and then perform multiple actions against the target based on the results ...
Java driver.switchTo().frame(String name); driver.switchTo().frame(String id); driver.switchTo().frame(int index); driver.switchTo().frame(WebElement frameElement); driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); C# driver.SwitchTo().Frame(int frameIndex); driver.SwitchTo().Frame(IWebElement frameEle...
webpack-hot-middleware Use with webpack-dev-middleware, by adding webpack-hot-middleware/client to entry. Config Add configs as query string to the path. Example: webpack-hot-middleware/client?path=/__what&timeout=2000&overlay=false OptionDescriptionpathThe path which the middle...
sync.Pool stores a cache of allocated but unused items for future use, avoiding memory churn for frequently changed collections, and allowing efficient, thread-safe re-use of memory. It is useful to manage a group of temporary items shared between concurrent clients of a package, for example a list ...
In SQL, SELECT statements return sets of results from data collections like tables or views. SELECT statements can be used with various other clauses like WHERE, GROUP BY, or ORDER BY to further refine the desired results.
CTFE is a mechanism which allows the compiler to execute functions at compile time. There is no special set of the D language necessary to use this feature - whenever a function just depends on compile time known values the D compiler might decide to interpret it during compilation. You can also ...
Over the years, InnoDB has improved to the point where it is almost always better than MyISAM, at least the currently supported versions. Bottom line: Don't use MyISAM, except maybe for tables that are truly temporary. One advantage of MyISAM over InnoDB remains: It is 2x-3x smaller in space r...
For managing dynamically allocated memory, the standard C library provides the functions malloc(), calloc(), realloc() and free(). In C99 and later, there is also aligned_alloc(). Some systems also provide alloca(). void *aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size); /* Only since C11 */ voi...
Same-Origin policy is used by web browsers to prevent scripts to be able to access remote content if the remote address has not the same origin of the script. This prevents malicious scripts from performing requests to other websites to obtain sensitive data. The origin of two addresses is consider...
The example above shows bare minimum structure of a custom(Polymer) element using local dom. A Polymer element can also be created entirely using script tag, but that is not part of this topic. Even though style tag is not a part of bare minimum structure it has been kept there just for under...

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