Tutorial by Topics: mpi

History The Symantec JIT compiler was available in the Sun Java from 1.1.5 onwards, but it had problems. The Hotspot JIT compiler was added to Sun Java in 1.2.2 as a plugin. In Java 1.3, JIT was enabled by default. (Source: When did Java get a JIT compiler?
target_compile_features(target PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE feature1 [feature2 ...])
This section provides an overview of what google-closure-compiler is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within google-closure-compiler, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for google-closure-compiler is new, you may need t...
include_directories([AFTER|BEFORE] [SYSTEM] dir1 [dir2 ...]) ParameterDescriptiondirNone ore more relative or absolute pathsAFTER, BEFORE(optional) whether to add the given directories to the front or end of the current list of include paths; default behaviour is defined by CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIR...
Building and Compiling opencv 3.1.0-dev to get an access for non free modules can be a headache for some people especially on Windows machine. Unlike Ubuntu, setting up opencv for Windows takes some time and requires a couple pf dependencies to be installed first before building and compiling. Th...
Way to process every item that Scrapy outputs. An Item Pipeline is a python class that overrides some specific methods and needs to be activated on the settings of the scrapy project.
Platform based conditional compiling comes in two forms in Go, one is with file suffixes and the other is with build tags. After "// +build", a single platform or a list can follow Platform can be reverted by preceding it by ! sign List of space separated platforms are ORed togethe...
These examples demonstrate various ways to load and compile shaders. All examples must include error handling code. Shader objects, as created from glCreateShader do not do much. They contain the compiled code for a single stage, but they do not even have to contain the complete compiled code ...
Strict Mode is a special class introduced in Android 2.3 for debugging. This developer tools detect things done accidentally and bring them to our attention so that we can fix them. It is most commonly used to catch the accidental disk or network access on the applications’ main thread, where UI ope...
Compile Progress code as called "r-code" and is normally saved in a file with the extension .r. There are a couple of different ways of compiling: using the COMPILE statement or on Linux or AppBuilder: the built in Application Compiler. Developer Studio (the Eclipse environment) has compil...
JIT compilation, or just-in-time compilation, is an alternative approach to interpretation of code or ahead-of-time compilation. JIT compilation is used in the .NET framework. The CLR code (C#, F#, Visual Basic, etc.) is first compiled into something called Interpreted Language, or IL. This is lower...
I'd like to describe the prerequisites and the steps how to build the Perl CPAN module sapnwrfc with the Strawberry Perl environment under Windows 7 x64. It should work also for all later Windows versions like 8, 8.1 and 10. I use Strawberry Perl 64 bit but it should also work with older v...
Fortran files come under a variety of extensions and each of them have a separate meaning. They specify the Fortran release version, code formatting style and the usage of preprocessor directives similar to C programming language.
How to install TypeScript and run the TypeScript compiler against a .ts file from the command line.
creating your first .tsconfig configuration file which will tell the TypeScript compiler how to treat your .ts files

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