Tutorial by Topics: object

Note: In Python 2, make sure that your class inherits from object (making it a new-style class) in order for all features of properties to be available.
An error 1009 is a general error that arises when you are trying to receive a value out of a variable or property that has a value of null. The examples provided expose various cases where this error arises, together with some recommendations on how to mitigate the error. The dreaded and often ask...
Most examples are from MSDN. To create a .NET managed client application that uses the client object model, you must set references to two client library DLLs: Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll and Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll. You can find it in %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft S...
There are two ways to reference the $wpdb object. The first is to use the PHP keyword global in order to act on the global instance of the object. global $wpdb; echo $wpdb->prefix; // Outputs the prefix for the database The second way to use the $wpdb object is to reference PHP's $GLOBALS...
Immutable objects have fixed state (no setters), so all state must be known at object creation time. Although not technically required, it is best practice to make all fields final. This will make the immutable class thread-safe (cf. Java Concurrency in Practice, 3.4.1). The examples show severa...
Cloning can be tricky, especially when the object's fields hold other objects. There are situations where you want to perform a deep copy, instead of only copying the field values (i.e. references to the other objects). The bottom line is clone is broken, and you should think twice before implem...
ScriptableObjects with AssetBundles Pay attention when adding prefabs to AssetBundles if they contain references to ScriptableObjects. Since ScriptableObjects are essentially assets, Unity creates duplicates of them before adding them to AssetBundles, which may result in undesired behaviour dur...
You must add Microsoft Scripting Runtime to the VBA project through the VBE's Tools → References command in order to implement early binding of the Scripting Dictionary object. This library reference is carried with the project; it does not have to be re-referenced when the VBA project is distrib...
public static GameObject Find(string name); public static GameObject FindGameObjectWithTag(string tag); public static GameObject[] FindGameObjectsWithTag(string tag); public static Object FindObjectOfType(Type type); public static Object[] FindObjectsOfType(Type type); Which method to...
For more information on the Window object, please visit MDN. The window.stop() method is not supported in Internet Explorer.
A text object in Vim is another way to specify a chunk of text to operate on. They can be used with operators or in visual mode, instead of motions.

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