Tutorial by Topics: object

Approval Process is a very amazing feature in Salesforce to automate the business process. An approval process is a set of the steps necessary for a particular record to be approved or rejected by approver or set of approvers. A step can apply to all records included in the process, or just reco...
Rust is object oriented in that its algebraic data types can have associated methods, making them objects in the sense of data stored along with code that knows how to work with it. Rust does not, however, support inheritance, favoring composition with Traits. This means many OO patterns don't work...
Conceptual Hierarchy In the SharePoint conceptual hierarchy, site collections contain sites, which in turn contain lists. A site collection (SPSite) has no explicit UI but always contains one root level site (accessible through the RootWeb property) and possibly additional subsites under that r...
Examples of various ways to have OpenGL objects work with C++ RAII. RAII encapsulation of OpenGL objects has dangers. The most unavoidable is that OpenGL objects are associated with the OpenGL context that created them. So the destruction of a C++ RAII object must be done in a OpenGL context w...
It is important to note that an object body may not always be necessary. If the default constructor is sufficient, and no other functionality needs to be implemented then it should not be created. A default constructor is the Oracle supplied constructor, which consists of all attributes listed in...
At its simplest, CreateObject creates an instance of an object whereas GetObject gets an existing instance of an object. Determining whether an object can be created or gotten will depend on it's Instancing property. Some objects are SingleUse (eg, WMI) and cannot be created if they already exist...
Java objects which are created by web container.There are 9 implicit objects | object | Type | | ---------- | ------------------ | | out | JspWriter | | request | HttpServletRequest | | response | HttpServletResponse| | config | ServletConfig | | app...
This document describes some common ways to add animation directly into your Three.js scenes. While there are libraries and frameworks that can add dynamic movement to your scene (tweens, physics, etc), it is helpful to understand how you can do this yourself simply with a few lines of code. The c...
jQuery promises are a clever way of chaining together asynchronous operations in a building-block manner. This replaces old-school nesting of callbacks, which are not so easily reorganised.
Interface can't be implemented with pointer receivers because *User is not User
Lua itself offers no class system. It is, however possible to implement classes and objects as tables with just a few tricks. function <class>.new() return setmetatable({}, {__index=<class>}) end
First introduced in iOS 3.1 as part of the Objective-C runtime, associated objects provide a way to add instance variables to an existing class object (w\o subclassing. This means you'll be able to attach any object to any other object without subclassing. void objc_setAssociatedObject(id o...
See also Size of integral types.
NSObject is the root class of Cocoa, however the Objective-C language itself does not define any root classes at all its define by Cocoa, Apple's Framework.This root class of most Objective-C class hierarchies, from which subclasses inherit a basic interface to the runtime system and the ability to ...

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