Tutorial by Topics: out

This section provides an overview of what outlook-vba is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within outlook-vba, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for outlook-vba is new, you may need to create initial versions of those ...
Input and Output in scheme is usually handled trough ports. A port is a data structure which is used to interact with the world outside Scheme. A Port isn't limited to files but can be used to read/write to sockets. In some ways, the port object is some kind of universal object that can not onl...
While some existing JavaScript libraries have type definition files, there are many that don't. TypeScript offers a couple patterns to handle missing declarations.
Routing or navigation allows applications to between different screens. Its vital to a mobile app as it provides context to user about where they are, decouple user actions between screens and move between them, provide a state machine like model of the whole app.
Acumatica ERP lets you define attributes for flexible, meaningful classification of an Entity (Lead, Stock/Non-Stock Items Etc.) as required for your company’s specific needs. An attribute is a property that enables you to specify additional information for objects in the system. Attributes are defi...
In order to use custom tags in JSP,we used to have TLD files,along with a Java class to define the custom tags but post JSP 2.0 specs,the same can be achieved,without the need for any Source code files,making it easy to maintain and it can also be created by someone with basic knowledge of JSP tags ...
Example of how to copy existing table structure with/without data CREATE TABLE schemaName.table AS (SELECT columns FROM schemaName.table) WITH DATA
This section shows basic code for reading, sub-setting and writing external data files using pandas.
A very basic ASP.Net example of the bare minimum of code to create a WebService. In a separate StackOverflow Documentation post, we'll look at consuming this Calculator WebService.
Gaining access to Outlook's Visual Basic Editor, inserting your first module and renaming that module. Expected prior knowledge: You are an Outlook user. With Outlook 2003, you can immediately select the Visual Basic Editor. With later versions, you must add the Developer tab before you can select...
Ada's standard packages provide for output of all numeric types. The format of output can be adjusted in many ways. Note how each time a generic package is instantiated with a numeric type. Also, there are both defaults to be set for the whole instance, and also ways to override Width, say, wh...
This is a simple program in node.js to which takes input from the user and prints it to the console. The process object is a global that provides information about, and control over, the current Node.js process. As a global, it is always available to Node.js applications without using require(). ...
See also Size of integral types.
There are many ways of visualizing the convolutional layers, but they share same components: fetching the values of a part of the convolutional neural networks, and visualizing those values. Note those visualizations should not and can not display on the TensorBoard.
The layouts are a necessary in every Qt application. They manage the object, their position, their size, how they are resized. From Qt layout documentation: When you use a layout, you do not need to pass a parent when constructing the child widgets. The layout will automatically reparent ...
As the name suggests, this uses attributes to route. This gives the user more control over the URI's in the WebAPI. For example, you can describe hierarchies of the resource. However, the earlier 'Conventional Routing' is fully supported. Users can have a mixture of both too. [RoutePrefix(&quo...
When an instance of GridLayout is set on a Composite (or a subclass of Composite), all child controls will be arranged in a grid pattern. When there are multiple columns, the grid is populated from left to right, and from top to bottom. In addition to specifying the number of columns, you can optio...
As the name suggests, this uses attributes to route. This gives the user more control over the URI's in the WebAPI. For example, you can describe hierarchies of the resource. However, the earlier 'Conventional Routing' is fully supported. Users can have a mixture of both too. [RoutePrefix(&quo...

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