Tutorial by Topics: per

Inflector is a very handy helper to change/convert english word to singular, plural, camel case, humanize etc. The helper also help to check whether a word has plural version or not.
The Array Helper file contains functions that assist in working with arrays.
In iOS 10 Apple is extending the scope of privacy control. User need to ask the use permission before access the user private data in following key :Calendar,Contact,Reminder,Photo,Bluetooth Sharing,Microphone , Camera ,Location,Heath,HomeKit ,MediaLibrary,Motion,CallKit,Speech Recognition, SiriKit...
ConfigSlurper allows you to use another groovy script as a config file for your script instead of using, for example, a .properties file. You can do interesting configurations with typed properties and you don't need to convert from string. You can use lists, maps or a value based on some calcul...
Adding custom helpers can assist you with your development speed. There are a few things to take into consideration while writing such helper functions though, hence this tutorial. Just a few pointers: We've put the function definitions within a check (function_exists) to prevent exceptions whe...
This section provides an overview of what perforce is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within perforce, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for perforce is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related t...
This section contains information about various operating systems available for the Raspberry Pi's.
Database is an integral part of any application and performance and persistance are real challenges faced by any web application. NoSql databases are no different in this matter and need to be dealt carefully. DynamoDB being one of the NoSQL database that is provided by Amazon Web Services support b...
Your Apps performance is a crucial element of the user experience. Try to avoid bad performing patterns like doing work on the UI thread and learn how to write fast and responsive apps.
The branching operation of sed can help control the flow of the program.
Laravel helpers are the globally accessible functions defined by the framework. It can be directly called and independently used anywhere within the application without needing to instantiating an object or importing class. There are helpers for manipulating Arrays, Paths, Strings, URLs, etc ...
Glass.Mapper is the awesome Open Source mapping framework that allows you to focus on solving your business problems. It does the hard work of converting data from your CMS to something your code can work with. Using Glass.Mapper and your favourite CMS you can map data to strongly typed models in y...
This is how you would add some numbers in Clojure syntax. Since the method occurs as the first argument in the list, we are evaluating the + (or addition) method on the rest of the arguments in the list. Performing mathematical operations is the basis of manipulating data and working with list...
Calculated Properties in Powershell are custom derived(Calculated) properties. It lets the user to format a certain property in a way he want it to be. The calculation(expression) can be a quite possibly anything.
Html helpers are a very useful way of creating html elements in views using MVC framework. With a bit of time your team can really benefit from using them. It helps with keeping the code clean and error prone. To use the helpers you need to first add a @using directive inside the view, or add ...
Retry and RetryWhen can be used to attempt to recover Observables that might have errors in their stream. .retry(n: number): Observable n: retry will attempt the source Observable this many times. .retryWhen(receives: notificationHandler, the: scheduler): Observable receives: an Obs...
A ViewFlipper is a ViewAnimator that switches between two or more views that have been added to it. Only one child is shown at a time. If requested, the ViewFlipper can automatically flip between each child at a regular interval.
The texreg package helps to export a model (or several models) in a neat paper-ready way. The result may be exported as HTML or .doc (MS Office Word). Links CRAN page

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