Tutorial by Topics: pl

void hide(Player toHide); void show(Player toShow); boolean canSee(Player toBeSeen); Events are better covered in StackOverflow's List of Events documentation
Before you can add ECS instances to a cluster you must first go to the EC2 Management Console and create ecs-optimized instances with an IAM role that has the AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role policy attached. Go to your EC2 Dashboard, and click the Launch Instance button. Under Community AM...
Unit tests project set up currently can be found here
This is a basic example which extends a generic car class and defines a car description method. Find more TypeScript examples here - TypeScript Examples GitRepo
The JdbcTemplate class executes SQL queries, update statements and stored procedure calls, performs iteration over ResultSets and extraction of returned parameter values. It also catches JDBC exceptions and translates them to the generic, more informative, exception hierarchy defined in the org.spri...
Sources The examples above are from lecture notes frome a lecture which was taught 2008 in Bonn, Germany. They in term are based on the book Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos:
Hope the sample illustration above helps someone who struggled like me to make rows conditionally select, as default functionality of DevExpress selects all rows irrespective whether it has a 'checkbox' or not (when you use either ASPxGridView1.SelectAllRowsOnPage() or ASPxGridView1.SelectRows(),...
Weka has many interfaces, Explorer, KnowledgeFlow, Experimenter, SimpleCLI, Workbench. All of them share mostly can do the same tasks, with different focus and flexibility. Here, we are going to explore their different focuses and flexibilities. Explorer pro: do all things quickly give ...
Inflector is a very handy helper to change/convert english word to singular, plural, camel case, humanize etc. The helper also help to check whether a word has plural version or not.
Plugins help us to do things easier. Intellij provides a vast range of plugins for various technologies / laguages. There are three ways to install plugin in Intellij.
EPPlus is a .NET library that reads and writes Excel 2007/2010/2013 files using the Open Office Xml format (xlsx). EPPlus supports: Cell Ranges Cell styling (Border, Color, Fill, Font, Number, Alignments) Charts Pictures Shapes Comments Tables Protection Encryption Pivot tables Data...
Universal Windows 10 App lifecycle consists of three different states: 1) Running - application is currentyl in use 2) Not running - application is closed and removed from the memory 3) Suspended - application state is frozen but it is still in memory [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]:...
Plist is used for storage of data in iOS app. Plist save data in form of Array and Dictionaries. In plist we can save data as: 1. Static data to be used in app. 2. Data that will be coming from server.

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