Tutorial by Topics: rs

Type Handlers allow database types to be converted to .Net custom types.
ParameterDetailsthis cnnThe underlying database connection - the this denotes an extension method; the connection does not need to be open - if it is not open, it is opened and closed automatically.<T> / Type(optional) The type of object to return; if the non-generic / non-Type API is used, a...
In C#, an operator is a program element that is applied to one or more operands in an expression or statement. Operators that take one operand, such as the increment operator (++) or new, are referred to as unary operators. Operators that take two operands, such as arithmetic operators (+,-,*,/), ar...
The only requirement for an object to be initialized using this syntactic sugar is that the type implements System.Collections.IEnumerable and the Add method. Although we call it a collection initializer, the object does not have to be an collection.
Constructors are methods in a class that are invoked when an instance of that class is created. Their main responsibility is to leave the new object in a useful and consistent state. Destructors/Finalizers are methods in a class that are invoked when an instance of that is destroyed. In C# they are...
X?.Y; //null if X is null else X.Y X?.Y?.Z; //null if X is null or Y is null else X.Y.Z X?[index]; //null if X is null else X[index] X?.ValueMethod(); //null if X is null else the result of X.ValueMethod(); X?.VoidMethod(); //do nothing if X is null else call X.VoidMethod(); Note that w...
public type name[ = value]; private type name[ = value]; protected type name[ = value]; type name[ = value]; public class name{ class name{ From the Java tutorial: Access level modifiers determine whether other classes can use a particular field or invoke a particular method. There a...
The Executor interface in Java provides a way of decoupling task submission from the mechanics of how each task will be run, including details of thread use, scheduling, etc. An Executor is normally used instead of explicitly creating threads. With Executors, developers won't have to significantly r...
An Android application needs to run on all kinds of devices. Each device may have a different version on Android running on it. Now, each Android version might not support all the features that your app requires, and so while building an app, you need to keep the minimum and maximum Android version...
Operators in Java programming language are special symbols that perform specific operations on one, two, or three operands, and then return a result. An operator is a symbol (or symbols) that tells a Java program to perform an operation on one, two or three operands. An operator and its opera...
Decorator functions are software design patterns. They dynamically alter the functionality of a function, method, or class without having to directly use subclasses or change the source code of the decorated function. When used correctly, decorators can become powerful tools in the development proce...
This topic illustrates how to avoid adding unwanted files (or file changes) in a Git repo. There are several ways (global or local .gitignore, .git/exclude, git update-index --assume-unchanged, and git update-index --skip-tree), but keep in mind Git is managing content, which means: ignoring actuall...
Function pointers are pointers that point to functions instead of data types. They can be used to allow variability in the function that is to be called, at run-time. returnType (*name)(parameters) typedef returnType (*name)(parameters) typedef returnType Name(parameters); Name *n...
Anchor tags are commonly used to link separate webpages, but they can also be used to link between different places in a single document, often within table of contents or even launch external applications. This topic explains the implementation and application of HTML anchor tags in various roles. ...
An operator in a programming language is a symbol that tells the compiler or interpreter to perform a specific mathematical, relational or logical operation and produce a final result. C has many powerful operators. Many C operators are binary operators, which means they have two operands. For exa...

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