Tutorial by Examples

Main motive to develop this compound view is, below 5.0 devices does not support svg in drawable inside TextView/EditText. One more pros is, we can set height and width of drawableRight inside EditText. I have separated it from my project and created in separate module. Module Name : custom_edit_d...
A simple example of an svg font. A few things to note here: the coordinate system of the glyphs is in opposition to the usual coordinate system in svg. the y axis points upwards. The point 0,0 is in the lower right corner. All paths in a font must be drawn counter clockwise. In most tools only ...
the units-per-em property is one of the most important font properties. It's used to give any value of any other property any meaning. the CSS2 font spec has a nice definition of the em sqare: Certain values, such as width metrics, are expressed in units that are relative to an abstract square w...
currentColor is most usefull in inline SVGs. With this you can inherit the parents css color and use it everywhere colors are used in SVG. In this example the first circle uses the text color as fill color, and the second circle uses it as the stroke color. <html> <head> ...
We will use retrofit 2 and SimpleXmlConverter to get xml data from url and parse to Java class. Add dependency to Gradle script: compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.1.0' compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-simplexml:2.1.0' Create interface Also create xml class wrapper in our cas...
<# .DESCRIPTION Writes the metric out in bosun external collector format which is compatible with scollector external scripts .PARAMETER metric Name of the metric (eg : my.metric) .PARAMETER type Type of metric (counter, gauge, etc) .PARAMETER unit ...
Array declaration in Powershell is almost the same as instantiating any other variable, i.e. you use a $name = syntax. The items in the array are declared by separating them by commas(,): $myArrayOfInts = 1,2,3,4 $myArrayOfStrings = "1","2","3","4" Adding...
Odoo uses ORM(Object Relational Mapping) technique to interact with database. ORM will help to create a virtual object database that can be used within from the Python. In ORM technique each model is represented by a class that sub-classes Models.model. Models.model is the main super class for regu...
amazingservice: url: 'http://amazing.com' client_id: 'test_client_1' client_secret: 'test_secret' This is a basic example for create configuration in yml format, for following the yml format you can take deeper configuration.
For instance you have a bundle, which generated by the symfony console. In this case in the DependencyInjection/Configuration.php you have to insert your configuration representation: $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder(); $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('amazingservice'); $rootNod...
In this example we will ask the bitcoin network for the merkle block number 442603. In order to do this we need to send a filterload message and then we have to send a getdata message using the inventory type MSG_MERKLEBLOCK. The peers should reply with a merkleblock message for the requested bloc...
This is a bit of a primer. It's mostly put it in because documentation is forced to have an example, even if it's intended as a stub article. If you already know unit-testing basics, feel free to skip forward to the remarks, where specific frameworks are mentioned. Unit testing is ensuring that a...
By default, accessing an individual item in a template dom-repeat loop is by calling {{item}}. Passing in an as= attribute to template will allow you to switch out the default {{item}} syntax for something that is more customized to the module you are working with. In this case, we want to grab the ...
Consider a basic class containing an object with getters and setters in Java: public class CountHolder { private int count = 0; public int getCount() { return count; } public void setCount(int c) { count = c; } } We can't access the count variable because it's private. But we can ac...
For example, with following nmap: nmap <expr> <S-F6> ':%s/' . @/ . '//gc<LEFT><LEFT><LEFT>' select a word with *, type Shift-F6, type in a replacement and hit Enter to rename all occurrences interactively.
library(dplyr) library(nycflights13) There are several verbs most commonly used in dplyr to modify datasets. select Select tailnum, type, model variables from the dataframe planes: select(planes, tailnum, type, model) ## # A tibble: 3,322 × 3 ## tailnum type mode...
interface Mockable { bool DoSomething(); } var mock = new Mock<Mockable>(); mock.Setup(x => x.DoSomething()).Returns(true); var result = mock.Object.DoSomething(); //true
public class BasicJavaBean implements java.io.Serializable{ private int value1; private String value2; private boolean value3; public BasicJavaBean(){} public void setValue1(int value1){ this.value1 = value1; } public int getValue1(){ ...
This is outline of comprehensive Overview. Flux pattern assumes the use of unidirectional data flow. Action — simple object describing action type and other input data. Dispatcher — single action receiver and callbacks controller. Imagine it is central hub of your application. St...
Click on New Files --> Transformation once a new transformation is open, Click on views tab ,under views create two connections (source ) and (destination). source: table where data is available destination: table where you want to push your data. Once done. on the top bar you have tools -...

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