Tutorial by Examples

Once your Kubernetes cluster is running and kubectl is configured you could run your first application with a few steps. This can be done using the imperative commands which doesn't need configuration files. In order to run an application you need to provide a deployment name (bootcamp), the contai...
Interrupts are handled by a protected procedure with no parameters. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Interrupt Counting Package -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Interrupts.Names; use Ada.Interrupts.Names; packa...
You can view more information about a remote repository by git remote show <remote repository alias> git remote show origin result: remote origin Fetch URL: https://localserver/develop/myrepo.git Push URL: https://localserver/develop/myrepo.git HEAD branch: master Remote branches: ...
Description of the installation process : Debian jessie -- Installation Guide Each architecture has his own installation guide : amd64 i386 armel s390x powerpc armhf mips AArch64 POWER. Download an iso image of the Debian distribution (stable release): Debian installer Use ...
Out of the box Acumatica allows to create and maintain the list of shipping terms in the system. Shipping terms are used to define the shipping, packaging and handling costs, depending on the shipment amount. In this example I will show how to calculate freight amount for a shipment based on sales ...
XHTML Relation to HTML XHTML is simply the serialized version of HTML. XHTML was originally intended to clean up HTML markup to better improve standards support. Unfortunately the W3C's work on XHTML 2.0 was not intuitive and detracted from where the industry as a whole was headed with HTML5. XHTML...
ts-node is an npm package which allows the user to run typescript files directly, without the need for precompilation using tsc. It also provides REPL. Install ts-node globally using npm install -g ts-node ts-node does not bundle typescript compiler, so you might need to install it. npm instal...
The following is a full example of using XHTML with JavaScript served by PHP as a single-file. <?php if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) && stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'],'application/xhtml+xml')) { // Client header isset` and explicitly declares XHTML parser support. header('Conte...
HTML5 defines some HTML attributes as boolean; a boolean can only be true or false. The specification simply states that the presence of a boolean attribute implies that the attribute is set to true. In example using a disabled attribute in the following example disables the button input element: &...
Using XHTML you should avoid methods such as document.write and innerHTML as they treat XML as text and do not properly serialize code; an id attribute in HTML is essentially dumped in to the DOM and the id attribute is not serialized which means when trying to reference to it with something such as...
Consider following directory structure to comply with best practices: [ProjectRoot] |---[app] | |---[resources] | routes.php |---[web] | |---[resources] | | |---[css] | | |---[img] | | |---[js] | .htaccess | index.ph...
This example shows a simple global definition of a complexType. The definition is considered global as it is a child of the xs:schema. Globally defined types can be used elsewhere in the schema. This is the most common form for declaring a global xs:complexType, it defines the child elements using ...
In this example we are creating a new xs:complexType (EmployeeType) based on an existing xs:complexType (PersonType). The construction of this is slightly more complicated. Because the base xs:complexType (PersonType) is considered to be complex (more about this below) we add the <xs:complexCon...
This is where things get a little tricky. We are now restricting an existing xs:complexType. Our SolidStateDriveType derives from HardDiskType but removes the spinUpTime attribute and the RotationSpeed element. Notice the approach for dealing with attributes and elements is different. To remove an ...
int highScore = 57; NSString *scoreBoard = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"HighScore: %i", (int)highScore]; NSLog(scoreBoard);//logs "HighScore: 57"
# Get two numbers from STDIN, separated by a newline, and output the result number1 = gets number2 = gets puts number1.to_i + number2.to_i ## run with: $ ruby a_plus_b.rb ## or: $ echo -e "1\n2" | ruby a_plus_b.rb
number1 = ARGV[0] number2 = ARGV[1] puts number1.to_i + number2.to_i ## run with: $ ruby a_plus_b.rb 1 2
After installing the SDK, atlas-run-standalone starts a JIRA instance with the latest released version. atlas-run-standalone --product jira The instance is available http://localhost:2990/jira The created instance is for testing only. It provides an other directory structure as production insta...
It is possible to customize the JIRA version, the port or the context path. atlas-run-standalone --product jira --version 6.0 --http-port 1337 --context-path issues The JIRA 6 instance is available under http://localhost:1337/issues There are more parameters that can be set for running atlas-ru...
Let's say we want to use libc's ntohl function. First, we must load libc.so: >>> from ctypes import * >>> libc = cdll.LoadLibrary('libc.so.6') >>> libc <CDLL 'libc.so.6', handle baadf00d at 0xdeadbeef> Then, we get the function object: >>> ntohl = l...

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