Tutorial by Examples: and

expdp <bkpadmin>/<bkp123> directory=DATAPUMP_REMOTE_DIR dumpfile=<customer.dmp> impdp <bkpadmin>/<bkp123> directory=DATAPUMP_REMOTE_DIR dumpfile=<customer.dmp> remap_schema=<source schema>:<target schema> remap_tablespace=<source tablespace&g...
For example, imagine a screen with 3 sections, laid out like this: The blue box might be given a margin of 4,4,0,0. The green box might be given a margin of 4,4,4,0. The purple box margin would be 4,4,4,4. Here's the XAML: (I'm using a grid to achieve the layout; but this design principle applies...
Sometimes Android's logcat is running infinitely with errors coming from some process not own by you, draining battery or just making it hard to debug your code. A convenient way to fix the problem without restarting the device is to locate and kill the process causing the problem. From Logcat 03...
#!/bin/bash deploy=false uglify=false while (( $# > 1 )); do case $1 in --deploy) deploy="$2";; --uglify) uglify="$2";; *) break; esac; shift 2 done $deploy && echo "will deploy... deploy = $deploy" $uglify && echo "will...
Install Firebase resource in the the AppScript To do that click on Resources and then on Libraries. Firebase has a unique project library key that need to be installed in the AppScript. Click on Libraries The following pop-up appears. Enter the following project key in the textbox. MYeP8ZEE...
1. To write a simple data to test whether connection is working or not. function myFunction(){ var firebaseUrl = "https://example-app.firebaseio.com/"; var secret = "secret-key"; var base = FirebaseApp.getDatabaseByUrl(firebaseUrl, secret); base.setData("test&quo...
First step of creating a plugin is creating the folder and file which the plugin will load from. Plugins are located in /wp-content/plugins/. The WordPress standard is to create a folder and filename that mirror each other like so: /wp-content/plugins/myplugin/ /wp-content/plugins/myplugin/myplu...
Creates a graph topology in a distributed manner so that each node defines its neighbors. Each node communicates its rank among neighbors with MPI_Neighbor_allgather. #include <mpi.h> #include <stdio.h> #define nnode 4 int main() { MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); int rank; ...
To extend and expand upon the binding experience we have converters to convert one a value of one type into another value of another type. To leverage Converters in a Databinding you first need to create a DataConverter class tht extens either IValueConverter(WPF & UWP) or IMultiVal...
Partial Update: Used when a partial document update is needed to be done, i.e. in the following example the field name of the document with id doc_id is going to be updated to 'John'. Note that if the field is missing, it will just be added to the document. doc = { "doc": { ...
Example of usage scalacheck with scalatest. Below we have four tests: "show pass example" - it passes "show simple example without custom error message " - just failed message without details, && boolean operator is used "show example with error messages on arg...
These function will help you to take the screenshot and also match the image with the part of the screen. .screenshot('c:\\path') #get the screenshot. .locateOnScreen('c:\\path') #search that image on screen and get the coordinates for you. locateCenterOnScreen('c:\\path') #get th...
To use multi-threading in MATLAB one can use the batch command. Note that you must have the Parallel Computing toolbox installed. For a time-consuming script, for example, for ii=1:1e8 A(ii)=sin(ii*2*pi/1e8); end to run it in batch mode one would use the following: job=batch("da&quot...
first add the OkHttp to the gradle build file of the app module compile 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2' compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.4.0' compile 'com.jakewharton.picasso:picasso2-okhttp3-downloader:1.0.2' Then make a class extending Application import android.app.Application; ...
// add an item to a menu menu.addItem(item) // remove and item from a menu menu.removeItem(item)
By leveraging some of the member variables in the GridLayout instance, we can change the margins around the layout, and spacing between cells. In this example we set the following: verticalSpacing = 0 - Sets the vertical spacing between cells to 0px. horizontalSpacing = 20 - Sets the horizontal ...
To be able to run tests Chrome broser should be pre-installed on Android device,
To be able to work with web-application on Android device using Selenium below pre-conditions should be met: Android SDK installed on computer Chrome browser installed on Android device Debugging mode enabled on Android device Start adb and chromedriver server with below commands from cmd/Te...
The code example below demonstrate how you can get a lighter and darker shade of a given color, useful in applications having dynamic themes For Darker Color + (UIColor *)darkerColorForColor:(UIColor *)c { CGFloat r, g, b, a; if ([c getRed:&r green:&g blue:&b alpha:&a]) ...
In Sprite-Kit, there is the concept of collisions which refers to the SK physics engine handling how physics objects interact when they collide i.e. which ones bounce off which other ones. It also has the concept of contacts, which is the mechanism by which your program gets informed when 2 physics...

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