Tutorial by Examples: al

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max-width is the breakpoint @media (max-width: 1200px) { .navbar-header { float: none; } .navbar-left,.navbar-right { float: none !important; } .navbar-toggle { display: block; } .navbar-collapse { border-top: 1px solid transpar...
It is possible to pass multiple bound values as a CommandParameter using MultiBinding with a very simple IMultiValueConverter: namespace MyProject.Converters { public class Converter_MultipleCommandParameters : MarkupExtension, IMultiValueConverter { public object Convert(object...
Elixir is available in main packages repository. Update the packages list before installing any package: emerge --sync This is one step installation: emerge --ask dev-lang/elixir
Install jekyll on Linux Mint 18 with the following steps: sudo apt install ruby sudo apt install build-essential sudo apt install ruby-dev sudo gem install jekyll
Open a command prompt with Administrator access Install Chocolatey: @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin Close the comm...
Encryption is used to transform data in its orignal format (Eg: The contents of a letter, Credentials part of authorizing a financial transaction) to something that cannot be easily reconstructed by anyone who is not intended to be part of the conversation. Basically encryption is used to preve...
Modals slide in off screen to display a temporary UI, often used for login or signup pages, message composition, and option selection. import { ModalController } from 'ionic-angular'; import { ModalPage } from './modal-page'; export class MyPage { constructor(public modalCtrl: ModalControlle...
Sometimes you need to set the same data in many of your views. Using View::share // "View" is the View Facade View::share('shareddata', $data); After this, the contents of $data will be available in all views under the name $shareddata. View::share is typically called in a service p...
- (UIImage *)drawImageBySize:(CGSize)size quality:(CGInterpolationQuality)quality { UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, NO, 0.0); CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(context, quality); [self drawInRect: CGRectMake (0, 0...
Asynchronous validators allows you to validate form information against your backend (using $http). These kind of validators are needed when you need to access server stored information you can't have on your client for various reasons, such as the users table and other database information. To us...
If you want to detect missings with df=pd.DataFrame({'col':[1,np.nan]}) df==np.nan you will get the following result: col 0 False 1 False This is because comparing missing value to anything results in a False - instead of this you should use df=pd.DataFrame({'col':[1,np.nan]}) ...
Checking Requirements Run bin/symfony_requirements for checking symfony requirements and php cli setting. Install all packages that needed to run a symfony project. Setting your php.ini for example setting timezone and short_open_tag. Setting both php.ini for your php webserver (eg: /etc/php/apache...
<div class="container"> <h2>Alerts</h2> <div class="alert alert-success"> <strong>Success!</strong> </div> <div class="alert alert-info"> <strong>Info!</strong> </div> <div ...
The .fade and .in classes adds a fading effect when closing the alert message. <div class="alert alert-success fade in"> <a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">×</a> <strong>Succ...
(Tested with ANTLR 4.5.3, Eclipse Neon, ANTLR 4 IDE 0.3.5, and Java 1.8) Download the latest ANTLR. Make sure to get the complete ANTLR Java binaries jar. Save to any appropriate location, for example the folder where other Java libraries are stored. It doesn’t matter where, just remember the loc...
System Requirements: Node JS Getting Started First Go to Firebase Console and Create New Project. After Creating the project, in project click on settings icon besides project Name in left sidebar and select Permissions. On Permissions Page Click on Service accounts in left sidebar then c...
A cycle in a directed graph exists if there's a back edge discovered during a DFS. A back edge is an edge from a node to itself or one of the ancestors in a DFS tree. For a disconnected graph, we get a DFS forest, so you have to iterate through all vertices in the graph to find disjoint DFS trees. ...
Ionic has it's own extension for displaying a modal window. Modals can be created by inserting the template straight to the view with a <script> tag or by using a separate template file. In this example we are assuming you have a html file named modal-template.html in a folder called templates...

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