Tutorial by Examples

Send-MailMessage -From [email protected] -Subject "Email Subject" -To [email protected] -SmtpServer smtp.com
$parameters = @{ From = '[email protected]' To = '[email protected]' Subject = 'Email Subject' Attachments = @('C:\files\samplefile1.txt','C:\files\samplefile2.txt') BCC = '[email protected]' Body = 'Email body' BodyAsHTML = $False CC = '[email protected]' Credential = Get-Crede...
Install JDK 8 (Windows, Linux) and set the path (Windows). Install Scala (Linux), For Windows visit http://www.scala-lang.org/download/ download and install binary distribution, set the environment variable for scala in PATH which is in \scala\bin. Installing Typesafe activator (It contains Scal...
Constructor overloading is not available in As3. In order to provide a different way to retrieve an instance of a class, a public static method can be provided to serve as an alternative "constructor". An example for that is flash.geom.Point, which represents a 2D point object. The coor...
To ensure encapsulation, member variables of a class should be private and only be accessible to public via public get/set access methods. It is a common practice to prefix private fields with _ public class Person { private var _name:String = ""; public function get name():S...
The most common way to install the RSpec gem is using Bundler. Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'rspec' And then execute bundle to install the dependencies: $ bundle Alternatively, you can install the gem manually: $ gem install rspec After installing the gem, run the fol...
When an extension method returns a value that has the same type as its this argument, it can be used to "chain" one or more method calls with a compatible signature. This can be useful for sealed and/or primitive types, and allows the creation of so-called "fluent" APIs if the me...
import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.media.Sound; import flash.media.SoundChannel; import flash.events.Event; var snd:Sound; = new Sound(); var sndChannel:SoundChannel var sndTimer:Timer; snd.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, soundLoaded); snd.load(new URLRequest("soundFile.mp3&...
import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.media.Sound; import flash.events.Event; var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("filename.mp3"); var snd:Sound = new Sound(req); snd.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e: Event) { snd.play(0, int.MAX_VALUE); // There is no way to...
import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.media.Sound; import flash.events.Event; var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("click.mp3"); var snd:Sound = new Sound(req); snd.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e: Event) { snd.play(); }
package { import flash.events.EventDispatcher; public class AbstractDispatcher extends EventDispatcher { public function AbstractDispatcher(target:IEventDispatcher = null) { super(target); } } } To dispatch an event on an instance: var dispatcher:AbstractDispatcher =...
There are situations when you need to calculate something really large in your Flash application, while not interrupting the user's experience. For this, you need to devise your lengthy process as a multi-step process with saved state between iterations. For example, you need to perform a background...
Shiny is an R package developed by RStudio that allows the creation of web pages to interactively display the results of an analysis in R. There are two simple ways to create a Shiny app: in one .R file, or in two files: ui.R and server.R. A Shiny app is divided into two parts: ui: A user...
Prerequisites sudo apt-get install build-essential sudo apt-get install python [optional] sudo apt-get install git Get source and build cd ~ git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node.git OR For the latest LTS Node.js version 6.10.2 cd ~ wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.3.0/node-v6.10....
A common way to download Go dependencies is by using the go get <package> command, which will save the package into the global/shared $GOPATH/src directory. This means that a single version of each package will be linked into each project that includes it as a dependency. This also means that...
When it comes to using SASS, there are multiple ways of setting up your workspace. Some people prefer to use command line tools (probably Linux people) and others prefer to use GUI applications. I'll cover both. Command Line Tools The 'Install SASS' page at sass-lang.com covers this quite well. ...
This is a short summary of the GitLab guide on Install a GitLab CE Omnibus package. Requirements In order to install the GitLab Community Edition on your server, you should read the requirements page. To make it brief, the recommended requirements are: OS: Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, RHEL Ruby ver...
The Iterator.remove() method is an optional method that removes the element returned by the previous call to Iterator.next(). For example, the following code populates a list of strings and then removes all of the empty strings. List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); names.add("...
A class in Scala is a 'blueprint' of a class instance. An instance contains the state and behavior as defined by that class. To declare a class: class MyClass{} // curly braces are optional here as class body is empty An instance can be instantiated using new keyword: var instance = new MyClas...
The only way to catch exception in initializer list: struct A : public B { A() try : B(), foo(1), bar(2) { // constructor body } catch (...) { // exceptions from the initializer list and constructor are caught here // if no exception is thrown h...

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