Tutorial by Examples: al

An example that uses Parallel.ForEach loop to ping a given array of website urls. static void Main() { string [] urls = { "www.stackoverflow.com", "www.google.net", "www.facebook.com", "www.twitter.com" ...
An example that uses Parallel.For loop to ping a given array of website urls. static void Main() { string [] urls = { "www.stackoverflow.com", "www.google.net", "www.facebook.com", "www.twitter.com" }; ...
Invoking methods or actions in parallel (Parallel region) static void Main() { string [] urls = { "www.stackoverflow.com", "www.google.net", "www.facebook.com", "www.twitter.com" }; System.Thr...
To start development with Elm, you need to install a set of tools called elm-platform. It includes: elm-make, elm-reactor, elm-repl and elm-package. All of these tools are available through CLI, in other words you can use them from your terminal. Pick one of the following methods to install Elm: ...
Detailed instructions on getting kentico set up or installed.
Download and unzip the GWT SDK. This contains the core libraries, compiler, and development server that you need to write web applications. On Windows, extract the files from the compressed folder gwt-2.7.0.zip. On Mac or Linux, you can unpack the package with a command like: unzip gwt-2.7.0.zip ...
The function is_array() returns true if a variable is an array. $integer = 1337; $array = [1337, 42]; is_array($integer); // false is_array($array); // true You can type hint the array type in a function to enforce a parameter type; passing anything else will result in a fatal error. funct...
This Makefile will cross compile and zip up executables for Windows, Mac and Linux (ARM and x86). # Replace demo with your desired executable name appname := demo sources := $(wildcard *.go) build = GOOS=$(1) GOARCH=$(2) go build -o build/$(appname)$(3) tar = cd build && tar -cvzf $...
Install .NET Core on macOS 10.11+, after install homebrew: brew update brew install openssl mkdir -p /usr/local/lib ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/ Install .NET Core SDK from https://go...
To use Vagrant on Windows platform you need to install virtualization software and an ssh command-line tool first. This example will use freeware VirtualBox and Cygwin. Install VirtualBox Download the latest VirtualBox version from the official download page and run the downloaded file. Note that ...
5 <input type="datetime-local" /> Dependent on browser support, a date and time picker will pop up on screen for you to choose a date and time.
PrimeFaces can be used in all web applications based on Java Server Faces (version 2.x) which are run on Servlet Containers (e.g. Wildlfy or Tomcat or GlassFish). There are several ways you can add PrimeFaces to your application. Manually Download the primefaces-{version}.jar and add it to you cl...
Classes in MATLAB are divided into two major categories: value classes and handle classes. The major difference is that when copying an instance of a value class, the underlying data is copied to the new instance, while for handle classes the new instance points to the original data and changing val...
Setup for Yii 1.1 Step 1 - downloading Yii Download the Yii framework bundle from the Yii website Inside the downloaded bundle there are 3 folders, namely: demos framework requirements demos, as the name suggests contains a number of demo Yii applications. framework contains the Yii framew...
Macros allow us to abstract syntactical patterns that are repeated many times. For instance: /// Computes `a + b * c`. If any of the operation overflows, returns `None`. fn checked_fma(a: u64, b: u64, c: u64) -> Option<u64> { let product = match b.checked_mul(c) { Some(p) =&...
package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" ) func main() { files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(".") if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println("Files and folders in the current directory:") for _, fileInfo := range fi...
The current stable version of scikit-learn requires: Python (>= 2.6 or >= 3.3), NumPy (>= 1.6.1), SciPy (>= 0.9). For most installation pip python package manager can install python and all of its dependencies: pip install scikit-learn However for linux systems it is recomm...
The D programming language's standard compiler DMD can run on all major platforms. To install DMD see here. To install by command line you may run the command (found on the D website): curl -fsS https://dlang.org/install.sh | bash -s dmd Package Managers Arch Linux pacman -S dlang Chocolate...
SWI-Prolog Windows and Mac: Download SWI-Prolog at the official website Simply install by following the installer instructions. Linux (PPA): Add the PPA ppa:swi-prolog/stable to your system’s software sources (developers may choose for ppa:swi-prolog/devel) : Open a terminal (Ctrl+...
If you don't have any RubyGems installed, there is still the pre-gem approach to getting software, doing it manually: Download from RubyGems Unpack into a directory and cd there Install with: ruby setup.rb (you may need admin/root privilege) sudo ruby setup.rb For more details...

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