Tutorial by Examples: c

The filter() method accepts a test function, and returns a new array containing only the elements of the original array that pass the test provided. // Suppose we want to get all odd number in an array: var numbers = [5, 32, 43, 4]; 5.1 var odd = numbers.filter(function(n) { return n % 2 !=...
PorterDuff.Mode is used to create a PorterDuffColorFilter. A color filter modifies the color of each pixel of a visual resource. ColorFilter filter = new PorterDuffColorFilter(Color.BLUE, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN); The above filter will tint the non-transparent pixels to blue color. The color fil...
An Xfermode (think "transfer" mode) works as a transfer step in drawing pipeline. When an Xfermode is applied to a Paint, the pixels drawn with the paint are combined with underlying pixels (already drawn) as per the mode: paint.setColor(Color.BLUE); paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXferm...
Column aliases are used mainly to shorten code and make column names more readable. Code becomes shorter as long table names and unnecessary identification of columns (e.g., there may be 2 IDs in the table, but only one is used in the statement) can be avoided. Along with table aliases this allows ...
A simple literal function, printing Hello! to stdout: package main import "fmt" func main() { func(){ fmt.Println("Hello!") }() } play it on playground A literal function, printing the str argument to stdout: package main import "fmt&quot...
A variadic function can be called with any number of trailing arguments. Those elements are stored in a slice. package main import "fmt" func variadic(strs ...string) { // strs is a slice of string for i, str := range strs { fmt.Printf("%d: %s\n", i, ...
Warning: be sure you have at least 15 GB of free disk space. Compilation in Ubuntu >=13.04 Option A) Use Git Use git if you want to stay in sync with the latest Ubuntu kernel source. Detailed instructions can be found in the Kernel Git Guide. The git repository does not include necessary ...
In order to test the beginning and ending of a given string in Python, one can use the methods str.startswith() and str.endswith(). str.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) As it's name implies, str.startswith is used to test whether a given string starts with the given characters in prefix. >...
Strict mode can be applied on entire scripts by placing the statement "use strict"; before any other statements. "use strict"; // strict mode now applies for the rest of the script Strict mode is only enabled in scripts where you define "use strict". You can combin...
Strict mode can also be applied to single functions by prepending the "use strict"; statement at the beginning of the function declaration. function strict() { "use strict"; // strict mode now applies to the rest of this function var innerFunction = function () { ...
NaN ("Not a Number") is a special value defined by the IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic, which is used when a non-numeric value is provided but a number is expected (1 * "two"), or when a calculation doesn't have a valid number result (Math.sqrt(-1)). Any equality or ...
Python's str type also features a number of methods that can be used to evaluate the contents of a string. These are str.isalpha, str.isdigit, str.isalnum, str.isspace. Capitalization can be tested with str.isupper, str.islower and str.istitle. str.isalpha str.isalpha takes no arguments and retu...
try { StyledDocument doc = new DefaultStyledDocument(); doc.insertString(0, "This is the beginning text", null); doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\nInserting new line at end of doc", null); MutableAttributeSet attrs = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleCons...
try { JTextPane pane = new JTextPane(); StyledDocument doc = new DefaultStyledDocument(); doc.insertString(0, "Some text", null); pane.setDocument(doc); //Technically takes any subclass of Document } catch (BadLocationException ex) { //hand...
StyledDocuments generally do not implement clone, and so have to copy them in a different way if that is necessary. try { //Initialization DefaultStyledDocument sourceDoc = new DefaultStyledDocument(); DefaultStyledDocument destDoc = new DefaultStyledDocument(); ...
There are several PHP functions that accept user-defined callback functions as a parameter, such as: call_user_func(), usort() and array_map(). Depending on where the user-defined callback function was defined there are different ways to pass them: Procedural style: function square($number) { ...
// zoo.php class Animal { public function eats($food) { echo "Yum, $food!"; } } $animal = new Animal(); $animal->eats('meat'); PHP knows what Animal is before executing new Animal, because PHP reads source files top-to-bottom. But what if we wanted to create ...
// Animal.php class Animal { public function eats($food) { echo "Yum, $food!"; } } // zoo.php require 'Animal.php'; $animal = new Animal; $animal->eats('slop'); // aquarium.php require 'Animal.php'; $animal = new Animal; $animal->eats('shrimp'); H...
// autoload.php spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { require_once "$class.php"; }); // Animal.php class Animal { public function eats($food) { echo "Yum, $food!"; } } // zoo.php require 'autoload.php'; $animal = new Animal; $animal->e...
Static methods and properties are defined on the class/constructor itself, not on instance objects. These are specified in a class definition by using the static keyword. class MyClass { static myStaticMethod() { return 'Hello'; } static get myStaticProperty() { r...

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