Tutorial by Examples

To copy nested objects, a deep copy must be performed, as shown in this example. import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Sheep implements Cloneable { private String name; private int weight; private List<Sheep> children; public Sheep(Str...
Custom Fonts for UI components from storyboard can be easily achieved with User Defined Runtime Attributes in storyboard and Categories. The advantages are like, No need to define outlets for the ui element No need to set font for elements programatically. Steps to follow Font File: A...
Exceptions represent programmer-level bugs like trying to access an array element that doesn’t exist. Errors are user-level issues like trying load a file that doesn’t exist. Because errors are expected during the normal execution of a program. Example: NSArray *inventory = @[@"Sam"...
Before we download and install Composer, we need to make sure our server has all dependencies installed. First, update the package manager cache by running: sudo apt-get update Now, let's install the dependencies. We'll need curl in order to download Composer and php5-cli for installing and run...
Here we will simply use the installer. This is the easiest way to get Composer set up on your machine. Download and run Composer-Setup.exe. It will install the latest composer version and set up your PATH so that you can just call composer from any directory in your command line. Note: Close your...
Using raw values directly from the accelerometer sensor to move or rotate a GameObject can cause problems such as jerky movements or vibrations. It is recommended to smooth out the values before using them. In fact, values from the accelerometer sensor should always be smoothed out before use. This ...
If a bean is defined with singleton scope, there will only be one single object instance initialized in the Spring container. All requests to this bean will return the same shared instance. This is the default scope when defining a bean. Given the following MyBean class: public class MyBean { ...
A prototype-scoped bean is not pre-created on Spring container startup. Instead, a new fresh instance will be created every time a request to retrieve this bean is sent to the container. This scope is recommended for stateful objects, since its state won't be shared by other components. In order to...
First make utility class or use this method in class needed public class UIUtils { public static BitmapImageViewTarget getRoundedImageTarget(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final ImageView imageView, final float radius) { retur...
The following examples will use this class hierarchy: struct A { int m; }; struct B : A {}; struct C : B {}; The conversion from derived class type to base class type is preferred to user-defined conversions. This applies when passing by value or by reference, as well as when converting pointe...
To create a simple variable and assign it to a value or string use the SET command: SET var=10 Here, the code declares a new variable var with a value of 10. By default all variables are stored internally as strings; this means that the value 10 is no different to foo1234 or Hello, World! Notes...
echo %var% This code will echo the value of var If setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion is used, the following will echo the value of var (the standard expression %var% will not work in that context). echo !var! In batch files, variables can be used in any context, including as parts of commands ...
Warning: The functions atoi, atol, atoll and atof are inherently unsafe, because: If the value of the result cannot be represented, the behavior is undefined. (7.20.1p1) #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { int val; if (argc < 2) ...
The contents of files and network messages may represent encoded characters. They often need to be converted to unicode for proper display. In Python 2, you may need to convert str data to Unicode characters. The default ('', "", etc.) is an ASCII string, with any values outside of ASCII ...
Before we start... In terms of application layers your ViewModel is a class containing all the business logic and rules making the app do what it should according to the requirements. It's also important to make it as much independent as possible reducing references to UI, data layer, native featur...
UI testing tools Two main tools that are nowadays mostly used for UI testing are Appium and Espresso. AppiumEspressoblackbox testwhite/gray box testingwhat you see is what you can testcan change inner workings of the app and prepare it for testing, e.g. save some data to database or sharedpreferen...
ABAP offers three different operators for declaring string- or char-like-variables SymbolsInternal TypeLengthName'...'C1-255 Charstext field literals`...`CString0-255 Charstext string literals|...|CString0-255 Charstemplate literals Note that the length-range only applies to hard coded values. Int...
From Autohotkey Site Documentation Go to the AutoHotkey Homepage. Click Download, once downloaded run the executable. During installation of AutoHotkey, you will be asked to choose from UNICODE or ANSI. In short, you would probably want to choose UNICODE. It has support for non-English letters ...
Assignment arguments appear at the end of an awk invocation, in the same area as file variables, both -v assignments and argument assignments must match the following regular expression. (assuming a POSIX locale) ^[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*= The following example assumes a file file containing th...
This command: :s/foo/bar/g substitutes each occurrence of foo with bar on the current line. fool around with a foodie becomes barl around with a bardie If you leave off the last /g, it will only replace the first occurence on the line. For example, :s/foo/bar On the previous line wou...

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