Tutorial by Examples: c

DBCC commands enable user to validate state of database. ALTER TABLE Table1 WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT chkTab1 CHECK (Col1 > 100); GO DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS(Table1); --OR DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS ('Table1.chkTable1'); Check constraint is added with nocheck options, so it will not be ...
DBCC commands can show information about database objects. DBCC PROCCACHE Displays information in a table format about the procedure cache. DBCC OUTPUTBUFFER ( session_id [ , request_id ]) Returns the current output buffer in hexadecimal and ASCII format for the specified session_id (and o...
Trace flags in SQL Server are used to modify behavior of SQL server, turn on/off some features. DBCC commands can control trace flags: The following example switches on trace flag 3205 globally and 3206 for the current session: DBCC TRACEON (3205, -1); DBCC TRACEON (3206); The following examp...
DBCC statements act as Database Console Commands for SQL Server. To get the syntax information for the specified DBCC command use DBCC HELP (...) statement. The following example returns all DBCC statements for which Help is available: DBCC HELP ('?'); The following example returns options f...
ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings ghci> import Data.Text as T isInfixOf :: Text -> Text -> Bool checks whether a Text is contained anywhere within another Text. ghci> "rum" `T.isInfixOf` "crumble" True isPrefixOf :: Text -> Text -> Bool checks whether a...
If you find these steps unfamiliar, consider starting here instead. Note these steps come from Stack Overflow Documentation. django-admin startproject myproject cd myproject python manage.py startapp myapp myproject/settings.py Install the app INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', ...
Make a new controller in the folder /Controllers/Account. Name the file MemberLoginSurfaceController.cs using MyCMS.Models.Account; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.Security; namespace MyCMS.Controll...
Git config allows you to customize how git works. It is commonly used to set your name and email or favorite editor or how merges should be done. To see the current configuration. $ git config --list ... core.editor=vim credential.helper=osxkeychain ... To edit the config: $ git config &lt...
Inheritance is one of the main concepts in Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Using inheritance, we can model a problem properly and we can reduce the number of lines we have to write. Let's see inheritance using a popular example. Consider you have to model animal kingdom (Simplified animal kingdo...
If you find managing QThreads and low-level primitives like mutexes or semaphores too complex, Qt Concurrent namespace is what you are looking for. It includes classes which allow more high-level thread management. Let's look at Concurrent Run. QtConcurrent::run() allows to run function in a new th...
Polymorphism is one of the basic concepts in OOP (Object Oriented Programming). Main idea of the polymorphism is that an object have the ability to take on different forms. To achieve that (polymorphism), we have two main approaches. Method overloading Occures when there are two or more meth...
Abstraction is one of the main concepts in Object Oriented Programming (OOP). This is the process of hiding the implementation details for the outsiders while showing only essential details. In another words, Abstraction is a technique to arrange the complexity of a program. There are two basic typ...
follow below step to add FCM in your swift Project 1- If you don't have an Xcode project yet, create one now. Create a Podfile if you don't have one: $ cd your-project directory $ pod init 2- Add the pods that you want to install. You can include a Pod in your Podfile like this: pod 'Fir...
Download the files from our.umbraco.org/download and unzip them in a folder. Set up web server hosting the folder you chose. Although IIS is a requirement for production sites, it runs fine for development in IIS Express. Set up file permissions for the folder. For development server it is okey ...
Check for updates to the Nuget package manager. In Visual Studio: Tools > Extensions and Updates > Updates > Visual Studio Gallery. Install if availalbe Create a new web application with template "ASP.NET Web Application with an Empty template" on .NET Framework 4.5.1 Open the...
Either you just want to test out Umbraco CMS, or host your site in a cloud service, you could sign up for a free trial at umbraco.com/cloud. The site you develop in the cloud service could be downloaded for local development or your own hosting later.
Let's make a function to divide two numbers, that's very trusting about its input: def divide(x, y) return x/y end This will work fine for a lot of inputs: > puts divide(10, 2) 5 But not all > puts divide(10, 0) ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0 > puts divide(10, 'a') TypeE...
If you want to do different things based on the kind of error, use multiple rescue clauses, each with a different error type as an argument. def divide(x, y) begin return x/y rescue ZeroDivisionError puts "Don't divide by zero!" return nil rescue TypeError put...
You can use an else clause for code that will be run if no error is raised. def divide(x, y) begin z = x/y rescue ZeroDivisionError puts "Don't divide by zero!" rescue TypeError puts "Division only works on numbers!" return nil rescue => e ...
Use an ensure clause if there is code you always want to execute. def divide(x, y) begin z = x/y return z rescue ZeroDivisionError puts "Don't divide by zero!" rescue TypeError puts "Division only works on numbers!" return nil rescue => e ...

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