Use an ensure
clause if there is code you always want to execute.
def divide(x, y)
z = x/y
return z
rescue ZeroDivisionError
puts "Don't divide by zero!"
rescue TypeError
puts "Division only works on numbers!"
return nil
rescue => e
puts "Don't do that (%s)" % [e.class]
return nil
puts "This code ALWAYS runs."
The ensure
clause will be executed when there is an error:
> divide(10, 0)
Don't divide by zero! # rescue clause
This code ALWAYS runs. # ensure clause
=> nil
And when there is no error:
> divide(10, 2)
This code ALWAYS runs. # ensure clause
=> 5
The ensure clause is useful when you want to make sure, for instance, that files are closed.
Note that, unlike the else
clause, the ensure
clause is executed before the begin
or rescue
clause returns a value. If the ensure
clause has a return
that will override the return
value of any other clause!