Tutorial by Examples

The LayerMask structure is an interface that functions almost exactly like passing an integer to the function in question. However, its biggest benefit is allowing the user to select the layer in question from a drop-down menu in the inspector. using UnityEngine; class LayerMaskExample{ pub...
This examples shows how to build a JavaFX application, where the language can be switched dynamically while the application is running. These are the message bundle files used in the example: messages_en.properties: window.title=Dynamic language change button.english=English button.german=Germa...
from selenium import webdriver # Create a new cromedriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Go to www.google.com driver.get("https://www.google.com") # Saves a .png file with name my_screenshot_name to the directory that # you are running the program from. screenshot_name = "my_s...
Install MSI installers can be found here. This is the latest stable version. Download and execute to install. Verify Installation Use the WindowsKey + R, type cmd. Alternatively, navigate to the .sbt (for example, in C:\Users\Hopper) and type cmd in the address bar. Type sbt about t...
Full official instructions can be found here. MacPorts Install MacPorts. Then, in the terminal execute: port install sbt Homebrew Install Homebrew. Then, in the terminal execute: brew install sbt Sources Download sbt All platforms (tgz) installation from SBT. sudo su cd /opt mkdir sbt...
The following example code computes the sum of 1+4(3+3^2+3^3+3^4+...+3^N) series using pow() family of standard math library. #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fenv.h> int main() { double pwr, sum=0; int i, n; ...
scp command is used to securely copy a file to or from a remote destination. If the file is in current working directly only filename is sufficient else full path is required which included the remote hostname e.g. remote_user@some_server.org:/path/to/file Copy local file in your CWD to new direct...
SOAP (Simple Access Object Protocol) is XML based, like XML-RPC, is ancestor, with file called WSDL, what describe the method to be exposed. This protocol is often based with SOAP-Enveloppe, a SOAP-Body, and alternatively SOAP-Header, the data is envelopped in a structure and be interpreted as the ...
Sometimes a build combines multiple source directories, each of which is their own 'project'. For instance, you might have a build structure like this: projectName/ build.sbt project/ src/ main/ ... test/ ... core/ src/ main/ ... test/ ... webapp/ src/ main/ ... test/ ... In t...
If one does not want to receive any alert for a specific host or service - at least momentarily - one can squelch it. alert thisis.down { macro = host.mymacro template = mytemplate $notes = This alert will... $metric = "avg:os.service.running{host=*,name=... warn = min( a($metri...
If you are a visually oriented person, this Venn diagram may help you understand the different types of JOINs that exist within MySQL.
To make tabs fade in, add .fade to each .tab-pane. The active tab pane must also have .in class to make the initial content visible. <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"> <li role="presentation"> <a href="#id-of-content-1" role...
Logical && is logical AND, || is logical OR. == is equality, /= non-equality, < / <= lesser and > / >= greater operators. Arithmetic operators The numerical operators +, - and / behave largely as you'd expect. (Division works only on fractional numbers to avoid rounding issue...
In Haskell, you can define any infix operator you like. For example, I could define the list-enveloping operator as (>+<) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] env >+< l = env ++ l ++ env GHCi> "**">+<"emphasis" "**emphasis**" You should always give s...
Because infixes are so common in Haskell, you will regularly need to look up their signature etc.. Fortunately, this is just as easy as for any other function: The Haskell search engines Hayoo and Hoogle can be used for infix operators, like for anything else that's defined in some library. ...
MATLAB R2016b featured a generalization of its scalar expansion1,2 mechanism, to also support certain element-wise operations between arrays of different sizes, as long as their dimension are compatible. The operators that support implicit expansion are1: Element-wise arithmetic operators: +, -,...
Abstract base classes (ABCs) enforce what derived classes implement particular methods from the base class. To understand how this works and why we should use it, let's take a look at an example that Van Rossum would enjoy. Let's say we have a Base class "MontyPython" with two methods (jo...
You can set a character set both per table, as well as per individual field using the CHARACTER SET and CHARSET statements: CREATE TABLE Address ( `AddressID` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `Street` VARCHAR(80) CHARACTER SET ASCII, `City` VARCHAR(80), `Country` ...
Some data cannot be pickled. Other data should not be pickled for other reasons. What will be pickled can be defined in __getstate__ method. This method must return something that is picklable. On the oposite side is __setstate__: it will receive what __getstate__ created and has to initialize the...
Requirements MongoDB server running on port usually 27017. (type mongod on command prompt to run mongodb server) Php installed as either cgi or fpm with MongoDB extension installed(MongoDB extension is not bundled with default php) Composer library(mongodb/mongodb).(In the project roo...

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