Tutorial by Examples: after

VB 14.0 introduces the ability to add comments after implicit line continuation. Dim number = From c As Char 'Comment In "dj58kwd92n4" 'Comment Where Char.IsNumber(c) 'Comment Select c 'Comment
Add this to your $MYVIMRC: " Source vim configuration file whenever it is saved if has ('autocmd') " Remain compatible with earlier versions augroup Reload_Vimrc " Group name. Always use a unique name! autocmd! " Clear any preexisting autoc...
This example shows how to update a UI component from a background thread by using a SynchronizationContext void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs args) { SynchronizationContext context = SynchronizationContext.Current; Task.Run(() => { for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) ...
Canvas apps often rely heavily on user interaction with the mouse, but when the window is resized, the mouse event coordinates that canvas relies on are likely changed because resizing causes the canvas to be offset in a different position relative to the window. Thus, responsive design requires tha...
task A << { println 'Hello from A' } task B << { println 'Hello from B' } B.mustRunAfter A The B.mustRunAfter A line tells Gradle to run task after task specified as an argument. And the output is: > gradle -q B A Hello from A Hello from B The ordering rule d...
SKAction: let waitForOneSecond = SKAction.waitForDuration(1) let action = SKAction.runBlock(){action()} let sequence = SKAction.sequence([waitForOneSecond,action]) self.runAction(sequence) NSTimer: NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: #selector(action), userInfo: nil,...
app.use() and middleware can be used for "before" and a combination of the close and finish events can be used for "after". app.use(function (req, res, next) { function afterResponse() { res.removeListener('finish', afterResponse); res.removeListener('clos...
XML <Dashavatar> <Avatar name="Matsya"/> <Avatar name="Kurma"/> <Avatar name="Varaha"/> <Avatar name="Narasimha"/> <Avatar name="Vamana"/> <Avatar name="Balabhadra"/> ...
public class MyPage : ContentPage { RelativeLayout _layout; BoxView centerBox; BoxView rightBox; BoxView leftBox; BoxView topBox; BoxView bottomBox; const int spacing = 10; const int boxSize = 50; public MyPage() { _layout = new Rel...
Define a Target (Target1) for which an execution request will cause Target2 to be executed afterward. <Target Name="Target2" AfterTargets="Target1"> </Target> <Target Name="Target1"> </Target>
.after(delay, callback=None) is a method defined for all tkinter widgets. This method simply calls the function callback after the given delay in ms. If no function is given, it acts similar to time.sleep (but in milliseconds instead of seconds) Here is an example of how to create a simple timer us...
This class open a .gz file (usual format of compressed log files) and will return a line at each call of .NextLine() There is no memory usage for temporary decompression, very useful for large file. Imports System.IO Class logread_gz Private ptr As FileStream Private UnGZPtr As Compress...
It crops the images in square shape. This cordova project uses two plugins: Cordova Camera Plugin -- https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera Cordova Crop Image Plugin -- https://github.com/jeduan/cordova-plugin-crop The Camera plugin is combined with the Crop Image Plugin by ...
The predicate setup_call_cleanup/3, which is currently being considered for inclusion in the Prolog ISO standard and provided by an increasing number of implementations, lets us ensure that resources are correctly freed after an exception is thrown. A typical invocation is: setup_call_cleanup(open...
After the record gets stored in the database, we want to inspect what was changed on the record. We'll do this inspection by comparing values between the old and new record instances. // 1.0, Revealing Module pattern var myNamespace = myNamespace || {}; myNamespace.example = (function () { ...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Hello, world!</title> </head> <body> message:"rendered view with ejs" </body> </html>
The user can call Incrementor.Increment K number of times by pressing a key within '0' .. '9' and it's possible to call Incrementor.Increment faster than the task Incrementor can increment I. with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure Main is use Ada.Text_IO; task Incrementor...
Code the_title( '<h1>', '</h1>' ); Output The title of the current post or page in h1 tags
Sometimes you may want to have some login to determine where the user gets redirected to after submitting a form. Form Requests give a variety of ways. By default there are 3 variables declared in the Request $redirect, $redirectRoute and $redirectAction. On top of those 3 variables you can overr...
To run WordPress on your computer you need to configurate a database first. Be sure that Apache and MySQL are running (see Installing XAMPP step 3) Start a web browser of your choice and enter "localhost" in the address. Choose your preferred language and select in the category "...

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