Tutorial by Examples: al

Step 1: Installing the Hanami gem. $ gem install hanami Step 2: Generate a new project setting RSpec as testing framework. Open up a command line or terminal. To generate a new hanami application, use hanami new followed by the name of your app and the rspec test param. $ hanami...
A generic new() constructor that takes the string name of the desired algorithm as its first parameter also exists to allow access to the above listed hashes as well as any other algorithms that your OpenSSL library may offer. The named constructors are much faster than new() and should be preferred...
One of the best Linux distributions currently for Raspberry Pi (from now on, "RPi") is Arch Linux. This web shows the installation for: RPi2. ARMv7 architecture (32 bits). RPi3. There are two options: ARMv7 architecture (32 bits) or AArch architecture (64 bits). This t...
In Ubuntu and Debian sudo apt-get install tmux In macOS brew install tmux
Suppose you want to see if a certain set of sales prices makes sense for a store. The items originally cost $5, so you don't want to accept the sale if the sales price is less for any of them, but you do want to know what the new price is otherwise. Calculating one price is easy: you calculate the...
Detailed instructions on getting php-7 set up or installed.
/// <summary> /// Simple Get method /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public string GetJsonData1() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOperations.GetOperations(); string url = "
/// <summary> /// Post Method with input parameter /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public string GetJsonData2() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOperations.GetOperations(); string url = "
/// <summary> /// Post Method with Input/ data to post in JSON format /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public string GetJsonData3() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOperations.GetOperations(); string url = "htt...
/// <summary> /// Post Method with Input/ data to post in JSON format Or you can send dictionary as shown in previous methods /// </summary> /// <returns> Json formated data </returns> public void GetJsonData4() { IOperations _Obj = ClsOpera...
This subroutine is a quick example on how to allow a user to select multiple files and then do something with those file paths, such as get the file names and send it to the console via debug.print. Option Explicit Sub OpenMultipleFiles() Dim fd As FileDialog Dim fileChosen As Integer ...
The method of SQL generation from BQL PXSelectGroupBy<> data views has been changed in Acumatica Framework 5.2. The sections below illustrate the differences using the example of PXSelectGroupBy<FinYear, Aggregate<GroupBy<FinYear.finPeriods>>>.Select(graph): Acumatica Frame...
Detailed instructions on getting mpandroidchart set up or installed.
You can use any IDE and OOP language to implement S.O.L.I.D Principles. In the sample code I have used C# as it is the most widely used language in .NET word and is closely resembles Java and C++.
Windows Get spigot.jar using BuildTools or from here. Paste the following text into a text document. Save it as start.bat in the same directory as spigot.jar: You will need to rename your jar to spigot.jar, or modify the file in the bat file to point to the correct file. nb: Windows (by ...
Html.Partial returns a string on the other hand Html.RenderPartial returns void. Html.RenderPartial This method returns void and the result is directly written to the HTTP response stream. That means it uses the same TextWriter object used in the current webpage/template. For this reason, this me...
Detailed instructions on getting wpf-controls set up or installed.
Buy Minecraft from here Create a Mojang account or sign in if you already have one. If you created a new account, verify your email. Fill in your Payment Details. Make sure your on minecraft.net and you're on a secure connection (HTTPS) Download and Run Minecraft Open th...
In this example the microcontroller echos back the received bytes to the sender using UART RX interrupt. #include "stm32f4xx.h" UART_HandleTypeDef huart2; /* Single byte to store input */ uint8_t byte; void SystemClock_Config(void); /* UART2 Interrupt Service Routine */ void...
By default, NuGet restores packages into the packages folder in the solution root. This folder is shared between all solution projects. In some cases it is useful to change the location of the restored packages (for instance, to share them between several solutions). Its can be achieved by creating...

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