Tutorial by Examples: am

<body onload="__init();"> ... <script src="http://requirejs.org/docs/release/2.3.2/comments/require.js"></script> <script> function __init() { require(["view/index.js"]); } </script> </body>...
{ "module": "amd", // Using AMD module code generator which works with requireJS "rootDir": "./src", // Change this to your source folder "outDir": "./view", ... }
Camel's DSL (Domain Specific Language) is one of the features that makes Camel standout from other Integration frameworks. While some other frameworks also feature a DSL concept, typically in the form of a XML file, the DSL was in such cases always a custom based language. Camel offers multiple DSL...
-- loop-based version function hw_loop(v: std_logic_vector) return natural is variable h: natural; begin h := 0; for i in v'range loop if v(i) = '1' then h := h + 1; end if; end loop; return h; end function hw_loop; -- recursive version function hw_tree(v: std_...
This is a weird approach most of the people don't know this even exist. CREATE TABLE AliasNameDemo(id INT,firstname VARCHAR(20),lastname VARCHAR(20)) INSERT INTO AliasNameDemo VALUES (1,'MyFirstName','MyLastName') SELECT * FROM (SELECT firstname + ' ' + lastname FROM A...
/app/i18n/<Vendor Namespace>/<language package directory>/composer.json { "name": "<vendor namespance>/<language package directory>", "description": "<language package description>", "version": "100....
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? var firstTabNavigationController : UINavigationController! var secondTabNavigationControoller : UINavigationController! var thirdTabNavigationController : UINavigationController! var fourth...
var assert = require('assert'); describe('String', function() { describe('#split', function() { it('should return an array', function() { assert(Array.isArray('a,b,c'.split(','))) }); }); });
I have read and watched a lot of different Dagger2 tutorials but most of them are too long or hard to understand so I decided to write a new simple and short tutorial for Dagger2, I hope you like it. Why we need it? Simplifies access to shared instances: It provides a simple way to obtain refere...
Min-Heap 1 / \ 2 3 / \ / \ 4 5 6 7 The above tree is a Min-Heap since the root is the minimum among all the nodes present in the tree.The same property is followed by all the nodes in the tree. Max-Heap 7 / \ 6 5 / \ /...
// Import the action types to recognize them import { ACTION_ERROR, ACTION_ENTITIES_LOADED, ACTION_ENTITY_CREATED } from './actions'; // Set up a default state const initialState = { error: undefined, entities: [], loading: true }; // If no state is provided, we take the defa...
In Spark, a DataFrame is a distributed collection of data organized into named columns. It is conceptually equivalent to a table in a relational database or a data frame in R/Python, but with richer optimizations under the hood. DataFrames can be constructed from a wide array of sources such as stru...
Algorithm This algorithm is a two step process.First we create a auxiliary array lps[] and then use this array for searching the pattern. Preprocessing : We pre-process the pattern and create an auxiliary array lps[] which is used to skip characters while matching. Here lps[] indicates longes...
If you call plt.legend() or ax.legend() more than once, the first legend is removed and a new one is drawn. According the official documentation: This has been done so that it is possible to call legend() repeatedly to update the legend to the latest handles on the Axes Fear not, though: It ...
Suppose we have an API which allows us to get object metadata in single request (getAllPets), and other request which have full data of single resource (getSinglePet). How we can query all of them in a single chain? public class PetsFetcher { static class PetRepository { List<Integer&g...
<?php //Creating Connection to MySQL database using MySQLi $mysqli = mysqli_connect("IP ADDRESS OR DOAMIN", "username", "password", "database_name"); //Executing Query in the Database using MySQLi $result = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT * FROM T...
You can do more than just print text. print also has several parameters to help you. Argument sep: place a string between arguments. Do you need to print a list of words separated by a comma or some other string? >>> print('apples','bannas', 'cherries', sep=', ') apple, bannas, cherries...
{ "title": "Person", "type": "object", "properties": { "firstName": { "type": "string" }, "lastName": { "type": "string" ...
Let's assume we have a Dogs application, then our model will be a Dog class. DatabaseReference reference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("dogs"); This is how to send a Dog to the database, a new unique dog and set the dog with the key. String key = reference.push...
basename(): Given a string containing the path to a file or directory, this function will return the trailing name component. This function will return only the last part of an URL $url = "http://example.com/project/controller/action/param1/param2"; $parts = basename($url); // Out...

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