Tutorial by Examples: app

EntityFramewok Fluent API is a powerful and elegant way of mapping your code-first domain models to underlying database. This also can be used with code-first with existing database. You have two options when using Fluent API: you can directly map your models on OnModelCreating method or you can cre...
n order to debug a remote Java application, it should be launched with some extra arguments to instruct the JVM to execute it in debug mode. This is done as follows: java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000 -jar sampleApp.jar The above command tells the JVM to s...
static and templates folder in the apps may should also contain a folder with the name of app ex. blog this is a convention used to prevent namespace pollution, so we reference the files like /blog/base.html rather than /base.html which provides more clarity about the file we are referencing and pre...
The Leaflet package is designed to integerate with Shiny In the ui you call leafletOutput() and in the server you call renderLeaflet() library(shiny) library(leaflet) ui <- fluidPage( leafletOutput("my_leaf") ) server <- function(input, output, session){ out...
Meteor uses Cordova to package your application into a hybrid Mobile App. Once packaged, the App can be distributed like native Apps (through Apple App Store, Google Play Store, etc.) Add the target platform(s) to your Meteor project: meteor add-platform android meteor add-platform ios # Only...
For the common case of having one Flask application all you have to do is to create your Flask application, load the configuration of choice and then create the SQLAlchemy object by passing it the application. Once created, that object then contains all the functions and helpers from both sqlalchem...
We can use git apply some.patch to have the changes from the .patch file applied to your current working directory. They will be unstaged and need to be committed. To apply a patch as a commit (with its commit message), use git am some.patch To apply all patch files to the tree: git am *.patch...
Create a basic application with single view application template with swift as language Add SWRevealViewController.h and SWRevealViewController.m then click on Create Bridging Header button and add #import "SWRevealViewController.h" on the Bridging header Then select viewControll...
# app.rb require 'sinatra' get '/' do 'Hello, Universe!' end Install Sinatra: gem install sinatra Run the app: ruby app.rb That's it! Access your app at http://localhost:4567
The built-in werkzeug server certainly is not suitable for running production servers. The most obvious reason is the fact that the werkzeug server is single-threaded and thus can only handle one request at a time. Because of this we want to use the uWSGI Server to serve our application instead. In...
WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER option enables you to generate a single object instead of the array. Use this option if you know that you will return single row/object: SELECT top 3 object_id, name, type, principal_id FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = 3 FOR JSON PATH, WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER Single obje...
Wraps returned JSON array in additional root object with specified key: SELECT top 3 object_id, name, type FROM sys.objects FOR JSON PATH, ROOT('data') Result of the query would be array of JSON objects inside the wrapper object: { "data":[ {"object_id":3,&qu...
This technique details how to ensure that your .apk has been signed with your developer certificate, and leverages the fact that the certificate remains consistent and that only you have access to it. We can break this technique into 3 simple steps: Find your developer certificate signature. Em...
public String getAppVersion() throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException { PackageManager manager = getApplicationContext().getPackageManager(); PackageInfo info = manager.getPackageInfo( getApplicationContext().getPackageName(), ...
The most common way is to apply the extension via Config. Example: # File: mysite/_config/config.yml Member: extensions: - MyMemberExtension The extensions config variable is of type "array", so you can add multiple extensions like this: # File: mysite/_config/config.yml Mem...
Both #save and #destroy come wrapped in a transaction that ensures that whatever you do in validations or callbacks will happen under its protected cover. So you can use validations to check for values that the transaction depends on or you can raise exceptions in the callbacks to rollback, includin...
Create a new console application with one line in the Main method: Console.WriteLine("Hello World") Remember the path to the .csproj file and replace it in the example. Create a new Console Application and install the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis NuGet package and try the following code: cons...
Create a new console application with one line in the Main method: Console.WriteLine("Hello World") Remember the path to the .vbproj file and replace it in the example. Create a new Console Application and install the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis NuGet package and try the following code: Cons...
Vectors can be map'd and fold'd,filter'd andzip`'d: Prelude Data.Vector> Data.Vector.map (^2) y fromList [0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121] :: Data.Vector.Vector Reduce to a single value: Prelude Data.Vector> Data.Vector.foldl (+) 0 y 66
If you either have apps generated with pre-android support or just did that on purpose, you can always add android project to your app. $ react-native android This will generate android folder and index.android.js inside your app.

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