Tutorial by Examples: asp

To play a sound of with a specific tone,we first have to create a sine wave sound.This is done in the following way. final int duration = 10; // duration of sound final int sampleRate = 22050; // Hz (maximum frequency is 7902.13Hz (B8)) final int numSamples = duration * sampleRate; final double ...
As of Jekyll 3.2, you can use the filter where_exp to filter a collection by any of its properties. Say you have the following collection item in an "albums" collection: --- title: My Amazing Album --- ... You can combine the where_exp and first filters to grab just that one item: ...
Objectives: Using the Spring CLI, we will create a new Spring Boot application to be deployed to Elastic Beanstalk. We will edit the generated Spring Boot application so that it will: Create a jar named aws-eb-demo.jar. Listen on port 5000. Include a single web page named index.html. ...
Code get_the_title( 44 ); Output The title of the post id:44.
In mathematics, especially Set Theory, we have a collection of things which is called set and we name those things as elements. We show a set with its name like A, B, C, ... or explicitly with putting its member on brace notation: {a, b, c, d, e}. Suppose we have an arbitrary element x and a set Z, ...
$rootId = Mage::app()->getStore($storeId)->getRootCategoryId(); $categories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection() ->addAttributeToSelect('*') ->addFieldToFilter('path', array('like'=> "1/$rootId/%")) ->addAttributeToFilter('level', 2...
There will be times where you only want to import a specific sheet from an excel file with multiple sheets. To do that, we'll use "SHEET=". PROC IMPORT OUT= YourNewTable DATAFILE= "myfolder/excelfilename.xlsx" DBMS=xlsx REPLACE; SHEET="Sheet1&quo...
The VisibleExp property is a boolean expression, that determines if given tab is visible (when logical expression is TRUE) or hidden. You specify VisibleExp property for PXTab controls in Aspx page: <px:PXTabItem Text="Credit Card Processing Info" BindingContext="form" ...
Startup.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.E...
Download seed Run dotnet restore Run npm install Always. Enjoy. https://github.com/SamML/CoreAngular000
using only the for <timeout> clause, it is possible to get an unconditional wait that lasts for a specific duration. This is not synthesizable (no real hardware can perform this behaviour so simply), but is frequently used for scheduling events and generating clocks within a testbench. This e...
Create a new folder called MyClasses and create and add the following class public class GmailEmailService:SmtpClient { // Gmail user-name public string UserName { get; set; } public GmailEmailService() : base(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GmailHost"], Int32.Parse...
Above example helps us how to turn on SSH on Pi. This example is the prerequisite of above example. For Linux OS: Open the terminal and write down this ssh pi@your local IP address. Then you will need to provide the password. Note: Here pi: your raspberry pi username and your local IP address: th...
Let's say you use Webpack for front end bundling. You can add webpack-dev-middleware to serve your statics through tiny and fast server. It allows you to automatically reload your assets when content has changed, serve statics in memory without continuously writing intermediate versions on disk. Pr...
You can use aspnetcore-spa generator for Yeoman to create brand-new single page application with asp.net core. This allows you to choose one of the popular front end frameworks and generates project with webpack, dev server, hot module replacement and server-side rendering features. Just run npm ...
One of the best Linux distributions currently for Raspberry Pi (from now on, "RPi") is Arch Linux. This web shows the installation for: RPi2. ARMv7 architecture (32 bits). RPi3. There are two options: ARMv7 architecture (32 bits) or AArch architecture (64 bits). This t...
1. Model : public class ContactModel { [Required, Display(Name="Sender Name")] public string SenderName { get; set; } [Required, Display(Name = "Sender Email"), EmailAddress] public string SenderEmail { get; set; } [Required] public string Messag...
It's necessary to declare the type; here t_my_list; a collection is a TABLE OF something CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE t_my_list AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100); Here's the function. Notice the () used as a kind of constructor, and the COUNT and EXTEND keywords that help you create and grow your collection; ...
in Startup.cs // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // Add framework services. services.AddMvc(); var controllerActivator = new CompositionRoot(); services...
The function Emitter.listenerCount(eventName) will return the number of listeners that are currently listening for the event provided as argument const EventEmitter = require("events"); class MyEmitter extends EventEmitter{} var emitter = new MyEmitter(); emitter .on("data&quot...

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