Tutorial by Examples: ces

Snippet from MyExampleFile.xaml <TextBlock Foreground="{ThemeResource SystemControlBackgroundAccentBrush}" Text="This is a colored textbox that use the Accent color of your Windows 10"/> <TextBlock Foreground="{ThemeResource SystemControlBackgroundBa...
Snippet from MyExampleFile.xaml <TextBlock x:Name="MyTextBlock" Text="This is a TextBlock colored from the code behind"/> Snippet from MyExampleFile.xaml.cs // We use the application's Resource dictionary to get the current Accent of your Windows 10 ...
Device can be rotate by changing orientation in XCUIDevice.shared().orientation: XCUIDevice.shared().orientation = .landscapeLeft XCUIDevice.shared().orientation = .portrait
crawled_site = ["http://www.google.com", "http://www.stackoverflow.com"] |> Enum.map(fn site -> Task.async(fn -> crawl(site) end) end) |> Enum.map(&Task.await/1)
For full documentation, run the command: godoc -http=:<port-number> For a tour of Go (highly recommended for beginners in the language): go tool tour The two commands above will start web-servers with documentation similar to what is found online here and here respectively. For quick ...
If you have no *.bib file, you can use a references field in the document’s YAML metadata. This should include an array of YAML-encoded references, for example: --- title: "Writing an academic paper in R" author: "Author" date: "Date" output: pdf_document: ...
Swift Import the Core Motion library: import CoreMotion Next, we need to create a CMAltimeter object, but a common pitfall is to create it in the viewDidLoad(). If done that way, the altimeter won’t be accessible when we need to call a method on it. Nevertheless, go ahead and create your CMAlti...
Sources and sinks are objects that know how to open streams. BytesCharsReadingByteSourceCharSourceWritingByteSinkCharSink Creating sources and sinks Note: for all examples, consider UTF_8 as if the following import is set: import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; Reading from a ...
By implementing your custom IScopeAccessor you can create different types of scopes. For the following example I have the two classes Foo and Bar in which Bar will be registered with a custom LifeStyle. Each have an Id to assist with testing public class Foo { public Guid FooId { get; } = G...
CREATE SEQUENCE test_seq START WITH 1001; CREATE TABLE test_tab ( test_id INTEGER, test_obj base_type, PRIMARY KEY (test_id) ); INSERT INTO test_tab (test_id, test_obj) VALUES (test_seq.nextval, base_type(1,'BASE_TYPE')); INSERT INTO test_tab (test_id, test_obj) VALUES (test_...
Cache references to avoid the expensive calls especially in the update function. This can be done by caching these references on start if available or when available and checking for null/bool flat to avoid getting the reference again. Examples: Cache component references change void Update() {...
CI/CD pipeline Centralized authentication and authorization service API documentation API gateway Centralize log management tool Service monitor Infrastructure Automation Centralized config server
Standards Accessibility/Laws - GNOME Wiki! Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standards and Guidelines: Section 508 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standards and Guidelines: Section 508 Refresh Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 (W3C R...
The sqlite3 module was written by Gerhard Häring. To use the module, you must first create a Connection object that represents the database. Here the data will be stored in the example.db file: import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db') You can also supply the special name :memory: to ...
Before starting gulp we need to install node.js and npm. Then install gulp-sacc $ npm i gulp-sass --save-dev // i = install Gulp Head var gulp = require('gulp'); // Requires the gulp-sass plugin var sass = require('gulp-sass'); Gulp Body gulp.task('sass', function(){ return gulp.src('...
There are two types of scripts we can leverage for running background processing on a specific, regular interval; these are the Scheduled and the Map/Reduce scripts. Note that the Map/Reduce script type is only available in SuiteScript 2.0. The Scheduled script is available for both 1.0 and 2.0. Th...
once a prof file has been generated, one can access the prof file using go tools: go tool pprof cpu.prof This will enter into a command line interface for exploring the profile Common commands include: (pprof) top lists top processes in memory (pprof) peek Lists all processes, use reg...
There are two kinds of persistent storage modes in Redis: AOF and RDB. To temporarily disable RDB execute the following commands on the Redis command line: config set save "" to temporarily disable AOF execute the following from the Redis command line: config set appendonly no The...
The following code will get the current configuration for the persistent storage state. These values can be modified dynamically, so they may differ from the configuration in redis.conf: # get config get appendonly config get save
The recommended approach would be to avoid doing so and rather use IOptions<TOptions> and IServiceCollection.Configure<TOptions>. That said, this is still pretty straightforward to make IConfigurationRootavailable application wide. In the Startup.cs constructor you should have the foll...

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