Tutorial by Examples: concept

django-admin is a command line tool that ships with Django. It comes with several useful commands for getting started with and managing a Django project. The command is the same as ./manage.py , with the difference that you don't need to be in the project directory. The DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE envir...
Versions Release Date VersionRelease Date8.2.4December 07, 20167.53December 07, 20166.38 (unsupported)February 24, 20165.23 (unsupported)August 11, 2010 Entity types In earlier versions of Drupal, the field system was only used on content types. Now, thanks to the Entity API, we can add fields...
When you create an argparse ArgumentParser() and run your program with '-h' you get an automated usage message explaining what arguments you can run your software with. By default, positional arguments and conditional arguments are separated into two categories, for example, here is a small script ...
The following example is an introduction to: Template compilation using underscore Accessing variables in a template Creating a view Rendering a view Showing a view <html> <head> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.0.min.js"></script> ...
Any time you instantiate a class that Implements IDisposable, you should call .Dispose1 on that class when you have finished using it. This allows the class to clean up any managed or unmanaged dependencies that it may be using. Not doing this could cause a memory leak. The Using keyword ensures th...
Testcode has the same quality demands, as production code. MakeSut() improves readability can be easily refactored perfectly supports dependency injection. Here's the concept: [Test] public void TestSomething() { var sut = MakeSut(); string result = sut.Do(); Assert....
Django is a full stack, feature rich web development framework. It bundles a lot of functionality together to provide a common, quick and productive experience for web developers. Django projects consist of common settings, and one or more applications. Each application is a set of functionality al...
A view is any piece of code that responds to a request and returns a response. Views normally return templates along with a dictionary (called the context) which usually contains data for placeholders in the template. In django projects, views are located in the views.py module of applications. Th...
In django, a template is simply a file that contains special tags which may be replaced by data from the view. The canonical template example would be: <strong>Hello {{ name }}, I am a template!</strong> Here, the string {{ name }} identifies a placeholder that may be replaced by a ...
In django, there is a url mapper which maps URLs to specific functions (views) which return responses. This strict separation between the file system layout and the URL layout allows great flexibility when writing applications. All url patterns are stored in one or more urls.py files, and there is ...
Several Qt Objects and Containers use a concept calles implicit sharing, which can also be refered to as copy-on-write. Implicit sharing means that the classes who use this concept share the same data on initialization. One of these classes to use the concept is QString. QString s1("Hello Wo...
AlchemyLanguage can detect general concepts referenced in your content. The service returns Linked Data links for each concept and a URL to a relevant website when possible. This example requires AlchemyLanguage service credentials and Node.js Use a command-line interface to install the Wats...
probably the most common misconception about asnycio is that it lets you run any task in parallel - sidestepping the GIL (global interpreter lock) and therefore execute blocking jobs in parallel (on separate threads). it does not! asyncio (and libraries that are built to collaborate with asyncio) b...
Eventloop in pseudo code An event loop is a loop that waits for events and then reacts to those events while true: wait for something to happen react to whatever happened Example of a single-threaded HTTP server with no event loop while true: socket = wait for the next TCP c...
Concept AsyncTask is a class that allows running operations in the background, with the results being published on the UI thread. The main purpose is to eliminate all the boilerplate code for starting/running a thread by eliminating the handlers and all the stuff that are needed for manipulating t...
Follow following steps to try out a sample application on AWS ECS service as a proof of concept. Login to AWS management console and go to AWS service catalog - > Compute - > Ec2 Create a VM(EC2 instance) using amazon linux 64 bit OS, this we will use to configure docker, git, AWS ECS agen...
With turbolinks, the traditional approach to using: $(document).ready(function() { // awesome code }); won't work. While using turbolinks, the $(document).ready() event will only fire once: on the initial page load. From that point on, whenever a user clicks a link on your website, turbolink...
In a pipeline series each function runs parallel to the others, like parallel threads. The first processed object is transmitted to the next pipeline and the next processing is immediately executed in another thread. This explains the high speed gain compared to the standard ForEach @( bigFile_1, b...
Explains how the Windows installer works, what MSI packages are, what merge modules are, how and why transforms can be used and finally commandline options for MSIEXEC. Describes the tools being provided by Microsoft (and 3rd party authoring tools such as InstallShield, Advanced Installer, Wise Pac...
An image represents a rectangular grid of picture elements (pixel). In the image package, the pixel is represented as one of the color defined in image/color package. The 2-D geometry of the image is represented as image.Rectangle, while image.Point denotes a position on the grid. The above figur...

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