Tutorial by Examples: connect

Install Firebase resource in the the AppScript To do that click on Resources and then on Libraries. Firebase has a unique project library key that need to be installed in the AppScript. Click on Libraries The following pop-up appears. Enter the following project key in the textbox. MYeP8ZEE...
Master process spawns server and client applications with a single process for each application. Server opens a port and client connects to that port. Then client sends data to server with MPI_Send to verify that the connection is established. master.c #include "mpi.h" int main(int ar...
public void OpenXmppConnection(int port, bool useSsl, string serverJid, string userName, string password) { try { _xmppClientConnection.AutoResolveConnectServer = true; _xmppClientConnection.Port = port; _xmppClien...
public class ConnectionManager { private XmppClientConnection _xmppClientConnection = null; public ConnectionManager() { if (_xmppClientConnection == null) { _xmppClientConnection = new ...
I'm in a controlled room with a single minew beacon that use IBEACON protocol. BLEController needs to extend CBPeripheralDelegate I'll use the first BLE to connect after the search has stop. Modify the method StopSearchBLE() class BLEController: CBCentralManagerDelegate, CBPeripheralDelegate...
The redis-py client provides two classes StrictRedis and Redis to establish a basic connection to a Redis database. The Redis class is provided for backwards compatibility and new projects should use the StrictRedis class. One of the recommended ways to establish a connection, is to define the con...
No Mutual SSL In this example, we might use the CA File (ca.pem) that you generated during the "How to configure a ReplicaSet to support TLS/SSL?" section. We will assume that the CA file is located in your current folder. We will assume that your 3 nodes are running on mongo1:27017, mon...
Like iOS where you use @IBOutlet and @IBAction, here you could use them too. Let's say we have a button which when clicked changes the label's text to something else. To get started: Add a WKInterfaceLabel and a WKInterfaceLabel to the InterfaceController. Ctrl-Drag from the WKInterfaceL...
package main import ( "fmt" "time" log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus" mgo "gopkg.in/mgo.v2" "gopkg.in/mgo.v2/bson" ) var mongoConn *mgo.Session type MongoDB_Conn struct { Host string `json:"Host"` ...
This is the simplest way to connect. First, the driver has to be registered with java.sql.DriverManager so that it knows which class to use. This is done by loading the driver class, typically with java.lang.Class.forname(<driver class name>). /** * Connect to a PostgreSQL database. *...
Instead of specifying connection parameters like user and password (see a complete list here) in the URL or a separate parameters, you can pack them into a java.util.Properties object: /** * Connect to a PostgreSQL database. * @param url the JDBC URL to connect to. Must start with "jdbc:...
It is common to use javax.sql.DataSource with JNDI in application server containers, where you register a data source under a name and look it up whenever you need a connection. This is code that demonstrates how data sources work: /** * Create a data source with connection pool for PostgreSQL c...
// db.js const mysql = require('mysql'); const pool = mysql.createPool({ connectionLimit : 10, host : 'example.org', user : 'bob', password : 'secret', database : 'my_db' }); module.export = { getConnection: (callback) => { retu...
Using a Pool Most code will want to connect to Redis using a pool of shared connection objects. Connecting to Redis using a pool involves two different code block. At initialization time, your application needs to create the connection pool: JedisPoolConfig poolCfg = new JedisPoolConfig(); ...
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/myNewDB',function (err,db) { if(err) console.log("Unable to connect DB. Error: " + err) else console.log('Connected to DB'); db.close(); }); myNewDB is DB name, if it does not exists in database then it...
Simple example from http://search.cpan.org/dist/sapnwrfc/sapnwrfc-cookbook.pod use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use sapnwrfc; SAPNW::Rfc->load_config('sap.yml'); my $conn = SAPNW::Rfc->rfc_connect; my $rd = $conn->function_lookup("RPY_PROGRAM_READ"); my $rc = $rd-&g...
Signals can have a default handler. All you need to do is to give it a body when you declare it. public class Emitter : Object { public signal void my_signal () { print ("Hello from the default handler!\n"); } } This handler will always be called after the connected...
We will start with creating a simple node application with a basic structure and then connecting with local sql server database and performing some queries on that database. Step 1: Create a directory/folder by the name of project which you intent to create. Initialize a node application using npm ...
If you want to notify other clients/users throughout the application ,you not need to worry about the connection because signalr new connection is created every time you visit other pages in the web app. we can leverage the users feature of signalr to achieve the same. see the example below: Here...
Requirements: Add following references to the project: Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset 2.8 Library Declare variables Private mDataBase As New ADODB.Connection Private mRS As New ADODB.Recordset Private mCmd As New ADODB.Command...

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