Tutorial by Examples: del

It is possible to DELETE data from a table if it matches (or mismatches) certain data in other tables. Let's assume we want to DELETEdata from Source once its loaded into Target. DELETE FROM Source WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 -- specific value in SELECT doesn't matter FROM Target ...
Creating a LUIS Model requires little to no programming experience. However, you need to be familiar with 2 important terms that will be used extensively. Intents - These are how you identify functions that need to be executed when the user types in something. Eg - An intent named Hi will identif...
An entity is the information that your bot extracts from a particular utterance conforming to an intent. Eg- Let My name is John Doe belong to an intent called introduction. For your bot to understand and extract the name John Doe from the sentence, you need to define an entity which does so. You c...
A model (see: Model-View-Controller pattern) in Grails is represented by a so-called Domain Class. Domain classes can define both the persistence and presentation of information in grails. Domain classes can also contain validations. To manage a fleet of cars in your Grails application you could de...
Methods used: .DeleteFolder(FileSpec, Force (True/False)) .CreateFolder(Path) .DeleteFile(FileSpec, Force (True/False)) The following example illustrates the Deletion and creation of a folder using the methods "DeleteFolder" and "CreateFolder". Code: Dim strFolderPath, ob...
We can use the child-attached and child-detached events to listen for when the scene attaches or detaches an entity: entity.addEventListener('child-attached', function (evt) { if (evt.detail.el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a-box') { console.log('a box element has been attached'); }; }); ...
We can load the model by pointing using the ID to an that specifies the src to a file: <a-scene> <a-assets> <!-- At first we load skeletal animation blending JSON as asset --> <a-asset-item id="hand" src="/path/to/hand.json"></a-asset-i...
Forward messages one object to another by delegates, multicasting these messages to multiple observers.. Step 1:- Create NSObject class of RRMulticastDelegate Step 2:- Following code implement in RRMulticastDelegate.h file #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface RRMulticastDelegate ...
ExpandoObject (the System.Dynamic namespace) is a class that was added to the .Net Framework 4.0. This class allows us to dynamically add and remove properties onto an object at runtime. By using Expando object we can add our model classes into dynamically created Expando object. Following example e...
HTML (classes used are based on Semantic-UI) <div id="app" class="ui grid"> <div class="row"> <div class="column"> <div class="ui label">Vechicle Make</div> <select class="ui dropdown"...
Background Model Listener hook's are a type of Liferay plugin that listens for events taken on an model and executes code in response. Model Listener hooks are similar to Custom Struts Action hooks in that they respond to an action taken in the portal. However while Struts actions respond to an a...
1.1.2 (This content is only relavant for versions 1.1.2 and up) From versions 1.1.2 and up, you can set the delay to select a new chip before refocusing on the input. Use the md-chip-append-delay attribute to set it (in milliseconds): Example: <md-chips md-chip-append-delay="500" n...
from django.contrib.auth.models import User class UserAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('email', 'first_name', 'last_name') list_filter = ('is_staff', 'is_superuser') admin.site.unregister(User) admin.site.register(User, UserAdmin) We need to unregister before regis...
class MyDelegate { operator fun getValue(owner: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String { return "Delegated value" } } val foo : String by MyDelegate() println(foo) The example prints Delegated value
interface Foo { fun example() } class Bar { fun example() { println("Hello, world!") } } class Baz(b : Bar) : Foo by b Baz(Bar()).example() The example prints Hello, world!
By using rowid element you can delete an item from cart. you just have to set item's qty to 0 $deleteItem = array( 'rowid' => 'b99ccdf16028f015540f341130b6d8ec', 'qty' => 0 ); $this->cart->update($data); this will delete item with this rowid.
A simple OGL 4.0 GLSL shader program that shows the use of a model, view, and projection matrix The program is executed with a phyton script. To run the script, PyOpenGL and NumPy must be installed. Projection matrix: The projection matrix describes the mapping of a pinhole camera from 3D poi...
A simple OGL 4.0 GLSL shader program that shows how to map a 2D texture on a mesh. The program is executed with a phyton script. To run the script, PyOpenGL and NumPy must be installed. The texture matrix defines how the texture is mapped on the mesh. By manipulating the texture matrix, the textu...
A simple OGL 4.0 GLSL shader program that shows the use of a interface block and a uniform block on a Cook-Torrance microfacet light model implementation. The program is executed with a phyton script. To run the script, PyOpenGL and NumPy must be installed. An Interface Block is a group of GLSL in...
A comment starts with a forward slash followed immediately by an asterisk (/*), and ends as soon as an asterisk immediately followed by a forward slash (*/) is encountered. Everything in between these character combinations is a comment and is treated as a blank (basically ignored) by the compiler. ...

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