Tutorial by Examples: dev

//Get permission for Battery Monitoring [[UIDevice currentDevice] setBatteryMonitoringEnabled:YES]; UIDevice *myDevice = [UIDevice currentDevice]; [myDevice setBatteryMonitoringEnabled:YES]; double batLeft = (float)[myDevice batteryLevel] * 100; NSLog(@"%.f",batLeft); int d = myD...
HanlderManager providing: public class HandlerManagerProvider { private static HandlerManager handlerManager; private HandlerManagerProvider() { } public static HandlerManager get() { return handlerManager != null ? handlerManager : (handlerManager =...
Go to the [https://developers.facebook.com/](https://developers.facebook.com/) and create your app. Click Add product and choose Facebook Login
Device can be rotate by changing orientation in XCUIDevice.shared().orientation: XCUIDevice.shared().orientation = .landscapeLeft XCUIDevice.shared().orientation = .portrait
Event fired when player enters a bed: PlayerBedEnterEvent PlayerBedEnterEvent(Player who, Block bed) @EventHandler public void onPlayerBedEnter(PlayerBedEnterEvent e) { Player entered = e.getPlayer(); Block bedEntered = e.getBed(); } Event fired when player leaves a bed: P...
When you logged into Odoo application you will find an option to see who is the current logged in person in the top right corner. This user information have a dropdown button. Click on the dropdown, then you will find a list. In that list select about Odoo.com option. Clicking on that will open a Ab...
Add this lane to your Fastfile and run fastlane installAll type:{BUILD_TYPE} in command line. Replace BUILD_TYPE with the build type you want to build. For example: fastlane installAll type:Debug This command will build all flavors of given type and install it to your device. Currently, it doesn't...
While using Image/Colour as an background in a CardView, You might end up with slight white paddings (If default Card colour is white) on the edges. This occurs due to the default rounded corners in the Card View. Here is how to avoid those margins in Pre-lollipop devices. We need to use an attribu...
If you have PHP installed locally and you would like to use PHP's built-in development server to serve your application, you may use the serve Artisan command. This command will start a development server at http://localhost:8000: php artisan serve Of course, more robust local development option...
Add-ons can be installed as: Normal add-ons, which are installed until uninstalled Temporary Add-ons (extensions only): are only installed until Firefox is restarted, or can manually uninstalled earlier. Using jpm run (Add-on SDK only): Automatically runs Firefox using a temporary profile with ...
JMeter can also can be used for recording mobile performance testing. Mobile scripts recording is very similar to web application scripts recording. Configure JMeter Configure “JMeter Templates” as specified in chapter 1. Configure your mobile phone After the JMeter configuration is prepared...
In tables recording events there is often a datetime field recording the time an event happened. Finding the single most recent event can be difficult because it's always possible that two events were recorded with exactly identical timestamps. You can use row_number() over (order by ...) to make su...
While chrome browser is open to any tab (except welcome tabs) you have three options to open Chrome Dev Tools: Keyboard: Type command ⌘+option+i Browser Menu: Click 'Menu' > 'More Tools' > 'Developer Tools' Program Menu (at top of your screen): Click 'View' > 'Developer' > 'Develope...
First Add Storage permission to read/fetch device directory. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> Create model class //create one directory model ...
<?php function wpshout_register_widgets() { register_widget( 'Favorite_Song_Widget'); } add_action( 'widgets_init', 'wpshout_register_widgets' ); class Favorite_Song_Widget extends WP_Widget { function Favorite_Song_Widget() { // Instantiate the parent object parent:...
Activate Developer Mode: Login to odoo application. After login user may see several odoo menu's. Click on setting menu. Click on 'Activate the developer mode' which is located at right-bottom corner of settings page. Developer mode now activated.
Here we can create UUID String with in one line. Represents UUID strings, which can be used to uniquely identify types, interfaces, and other items. Swift 3.0 print(UUID().uuidString) It is very useful for identify multiple devices with unique id.
Go to Hardware -> Device:
Sometimes, the straight forward loop cannot be entirely contained within the loop body. This is because, the loop needs to be primed by some statements B. Then, the iteration begins with some statements A, which are then followed by B again before looping. do_B(); while (condition) { do_A(); ...
To create a new project ng new [project-name] which initializes git.Install packages for tooling via npm. It creates the project successfully. cd [project-name] and execute either npm start or ng serve It'll run the server in the given default port. Application will refresh according to the chan...

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