Tutorial by Examples: du

Highlighting Duplicate Values With Range("E1:E100").FormatConditions.AddUniqueValues .DupeUnique = xlDuplicate With .Font .Bold = True .ColorIndex = 3 End With End With Highlighting Unique Values With Range("E1:E100").FormatConditions.AddUniqueVa...
Gradle Setup : build.gradle(Module: app) compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } jackOptions { enabled true } What is the Stream API ? Stream is a new abstract layer introdu...
In order to set the pagination style for the entire project, you need to set the DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS and PAGE_SIZE on the project settings. To do so, go to settings.py and on the REST_FRAMEWORK variable, add the following: REST_FRAMEWORK = { 'DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS': 'rest_fr...
By using a module loader like Webpack we can benefit the built-in module system available in ES6 (as well as in TypeScript). We can then use the import and export features that allow us to specify what pieces of code can we are going to share between different parts of the application. When we then...
Laracasts - Learn practical, modern web development, through expert screencasts. Laravel News - Stay up to date with Laravel with Laravel News. Laravel.io - Forum with open-source code.
import core.thread, std.stdio, std.datetime; void some_operation() { // Sleep for two sixtieths (2/60) of a second. Thread.sleep(2.seconds / 60); // Sleep for 100 microseconds. Thread.sleep(100.usecs); } void main() { MonoTime t0 = MonoTime.currTime(); some_opera...
It is possible to DELETE data from a table if it matches (or mismatches) certain data in other tables. Let's assume we want to DELETEdata from Source once its loaded into Target. DELETE FROM Source WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 -- specific value in SELECT doesn't matter FROM Target ...
Suppose we have a POJO class User we need to validate. public class User { @NotEmpty @Size(min=5) @Email private String email; } and a controller method to validate the user instance public String registerUser(@Valid User user, BindingResult result); Let's extend the U...
Intoduction Object Oriented Programming (mostly referred as OOP) is a programming paradigm for solving problems. The beauty an OO (object oriented) program, is that we think about the program as a bunch of objects communicating with each other, instead of as a sequential script following specific ...
This section will contain some of the most advanced examples realized using Multithreading. Advanced printer (logger) A thread that prints everything is received and modifies the output according to the terminal width. The nice part is that also the "already written" output is modified w...
Search engine optimization (SEO for short) is simply the process of obtaining website visitors (or traffic) from “free” or “organic” search results in search engines like Google or Bing. All major search engines have primary search results that are ranked based on what the search engine considers m...
How we can use jenkins in our SalesForce product development. What are the tools plugins are available for Jenkins Integration How to solve CI configuration issue.....etc
The source is available for download from GitHub. Alternatively, you can install using npm: $ npm install --save async As well as using Bower: $ bower install async Example: var async = require("async"); async.parallel([ function(callback) { ... }, function(callback) { .....
Thankfully, libraries like Async.js exist to try and curb the problem. Async adds a thin layer of functions on top of your code, but can greatly reduce the complexity by avoiding callback nesting. Many helper methods exist in Async that can be used in different situations, like series, parallel, wa...
List of available mixins: ListModelMixin: provides a .list() method to the view/viewset RetrieveModelMixin: provides a .retrieve() method to the view/viewset CreateModelMixin: provides a .create() method to the view/viewset UpdateModelMixin: provides a .update() method to the view/viewset D...
Circle.yml machine: python: # Python version to use - Selenium requires python 3.0 and above version: pypy-3.6.0 dependencies: pre: # Install pip packages - pip install selenium - pip install unittest test: override: # Bash command to run main....
Create the Newsletter model: rails g model Newsletter name:string email:string subl app/models/newsletter.rb validates :name, presence: true validates :email, presence: true Create the Newsletter controller: rails g controller Newsletters create class NewslettersCont...
First, you need to open your SQLite database, which can be done as follows: SQLiteDatabase myDataBase; String mPath = dbhelper.DATABASE_PATH + dbhelper.DATABASE_NAME; myDataBase = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(mPath, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE); After opening the database, you can easi...
trait Show[T] { def show(t: T): String } object Show extends ProductTypeClassCompanion[Show] { def apply[T](implicit T: Show[T]) = T def from[T](f: T => String): Show[T] = new Show[T] { def show(t: T): String = f(t) } implicit val string = from[String](_.reverse) ...
Reduce is a function which will take an array, function and accumulator and use accumulator as seed to start the iteration with the first element to give next accumulator and the iteration continues for all the elements in the array (refer below example) defmodule MyList do def reduce([], _func,...

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