Tutorial by Examples: ee

The slider provides an event called change that will trigger after the mouse completes a slider handle drag or if the value(s) have been changed programmatically. This function holds a reference to the slide event and a reference to the slider ui object. The ui object holds a jQuery object for the ...
ENV ENV <key> <value> ENV <key>=<value> ... The ENV instruction sets the environment variable <key> to the value . This value will be in the environment of all “descendant” Dockerfile commands and can be replaced inline in many as well. The ENV instruction has two...
The vast majority of modern JavaScript environments work according to an event loop. This is a common concept in computer programming which essentially means that your program continually waits for new things to happen, and when they do, reacts to them. The host environment calls into your program, ...
Many interesting operations in common JavaScript programming environments are asynchronous. For example, in the browser we see things like window.setTimeout(() => { console.log("this happens later"); }, 100); and in Node.js we see things like fs.readFile("file.txt", (...
If you want to make sure cookies are enabled before using them, you can use navigator.cookieEnabled: if (navigator.cookieEnabled === false) { alert("Error: cookies not enabled!"); } Note that on older browsers navigator.cookieEnabled may not exist and be undefined. In those case...
Within your DatabaseSeeder class you are able to call other seeders $this->call(TestSeeder::class) This allows you to keep one file where you can easily find your seeders. Keep in mind that you need to pay attention to the order of your calls regarding foreign key constraints. You can't refe...
a simple example of how to define a custom shape with 2 inlets and 3 outlets. case class TwoThreeShape[-In1, -In2, +Out1, +Out2, +Out3]( in1: Inlet[In1@uncheckedVariance], in2: Inlet[In2@uncheckedVariance], out1: Outlet[Out1@uncheckedVariance], out2: Ou...
We know that 'best practise' dictates that a range object should have its parent worksheet explicitly referenced. A worksheet can be referred to by its .Name property, numerical .Index property or its .CodeName property but a user can reorder the worksheet queue by simply dragging a name tab or rena...
When working with multiple open Workbooks, each of which may have multiple Sheets, it’s safest to define and set reference to all Workbooks and Sheets. Don't rely on ActiveWorkbook or ActiveSheet as they might be changed by the user. The following code example demonstrates how to copy a range from...
Many commands and programs in the remote side are screen-based (e.g. mc) or they need to ask password (e.g. sudo), to be able to run these kind of programs you can use option -t. ssh -t [email protected] sudo ls / [sudo] password for alice: bin root dev etc home lib mnt opt proc root run usr ...
Over time, our classes may implement more and more interfaces. When these interfaces have many methods, the total number of methods in our class will become very large. For example, let's suppose that we have two interfaces and a class implementing them: interface Printable { public functio...
// Add active class to active navigation link $(document).ready(function () { $('ul.nav.navbar-nav').find('a[href="' + location.pathname + '"]') .closest('li').addClass('active'); });
Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject Debug.Print fso.GetBaseName("MyFile.something.txt") Prints MyFile.something Note that the GetBaseName() method already handles multiple periods in a file name.
Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject Debug.Print fso.GetExtensionName("MyFile.something.txt") Prints txt Note that the GetExtensionName() method already handles multiple periods in a file name.
$ mv filename.{jar,zip} This expands into mv filename.jar filename.zip .
layout_text_to_speech.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:pad...
Input must must read from the Update function. Reference for all the available Keycode enum. 1. Reading key press with Input.GetKey: Input.GetKey will repeatedly return true while the user holds down the specified key. This can be used to repeatedly fire a weapon while holding the specified key ...
Swift if let text = self.textView.text where !text.isEmpty { // Do stuff for text } else { // Do stuff for nil text or empty string } Objective-C if (self.textView.text.length > 0){ // Do stuff for text } else { // Do stuff for nil text or empty string }
#Get the active Worksheet my $Book = $Excel->Activewindow; my $Sheet = $Book->Activesheet; #List of Worksheet names my @list_Sheet = map { $_->{'Name'} } (in $Book->{Worksheets}); #Access a given Worksheet my $Sheet = $Book->Worksheets($list_Sheet[0]); #Add new Worksheet...
Table showing size and values range of all primitive types: data typenumeric representationrange of valuesdefault valuebooleann/afalse and truefalsebyte8-bit signed-27 to 27 - 10-128 to +127short16-bit signed-215 to 215 - 10-32,768 to +32,767int32-bit signed-231 to 231 - 10-2,147,483,648 to +2,147,...

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