Tutorial by Examples: action

When user enters an URL, for example: http://example-website.com/Example/HelloWorld, MVC application will use the routing rules to parse this url and extract the subpath, that will determine the controller, action and possible parameters. For the above url, the result will be /Example/HelloWorld, wh...
If there would be another value in the URL like: /Example/ProcessInput/2, the routing rules will threat the last number as a parameter passed into the action ProcessInput of controller Example. public ActionResult ProcessInput(int number) { ViewData["OutputMessage"] = string.format(...
Actions are located in /usr/local/etc/scanbd/scanbd.conf. I have 4 buttons that are scan, copy, email and file. The default config file doesn't include all actions per default, you will probably have to add the block manually. You can have less or more buttons depending of your scanner model. ...
GNU awk supports a sub-string extraction function to return a fixed length character sequence from a main string. The syntax is *substr(string, start [, length ])* where, string is source string and start marks the start of the sub-string position you want the extraction to be done for an optio...
// 1.0 // Utilize the type argument and raw Strings to filter your // execution by the action function beforeLoad(type, form, request) { // Don't do anything on APPROVE // Note that `type` is an Object, so we must use ==, not === if (type == "approve") { return...
Abstraction is one of the main concepts in Object Oriented Programming (OOP). This is the process of hiding the implementation details for the outsiders while showing only essential details. In another words, Abstraction is a technique to arrange the complexity of a program. There are two basic typ...
We have a DataListComponent that shows a data we pull from a service. DataListComponent also has a PagerComponent as it's child. PagerComponent creates page number list based on total number of pages it gets from the DataListComponent. PagerComponent also lets the DataListComponent know when user c...
Viewchild offers one way interaction from parent to child. There is no feedback or output from child when ViewChild is used. We have a DataListComponent that shows some information. DataListComponent has PagerComponent as it's child. When user makes a search on DataListComponent, it gets a data fro...
Add button Login as facebook account to your login view: Edit site/login.php in views folder, add theses line to content of page login: <?= yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoice::widget([ 'baseAuthUrl' => ['site/auth'], 'popupMode' => false, ]) ?> Above, we set that aut...
// Cancel older notification with same id, NotificationManager notificationMgr = (NotificationManager)context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); notificationMgr.cancel(CALL_NOTIFY_ID);// any constant value // Create Pending Intent, Intent notificationIntent = null; PendingInt...
One day I had a conversation with a friend of mine who uses Laravel PHP framework in his job. When I told him that Django has its own all-included HTML CRUD system, for interacting with the database, called Django admin, his eyes popped off! He told me: "It took me months to build an Admin inte...
As an example you want to disable pagination in your default index action and get all results in index. How can you do that? It's simple. You should override the index action in your controller like this: public function actions() { $actions = parent::actions(); unset($actions['index'])...
Workflows can be somewhat limited in their functionality; for example, workflows cannot interact with line items. The Workflow Action script type is intended to be invoked by a Workflow to add scripting functionality to accomplish what the workflow itself cannot. Workflow Actions have a single onAc...
<div *ngFor="let item of items; let i = index"> <p>Item number: {{i}}</p> </div> In this case, i will take the value of index, which is the current loop iteration.
#include <gtk/gtk.h>//jjk.c static void destroy(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { gtk_main_quit(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { gtk_init(&argc, &argv); GtkWidget *window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), "Window&quot...
Slightly counterintuitively (but also the only sane way to make it work), this: val dyn: Dynamic = ??? dyn.x(y) = z is equivalent to: dyn.selectDynamic("x").update(y, z) while dyn.x(y) is still dyn.applyDynamic("x")(y) It is important to be aware of this, or else...
The error message in the title is a common beginner mistake. Let's see how it arises and how to fix it. Suppose we need to compute the average value of a list of numbers; the following declaration would seem to do it, but it wouldn't compile: averageOfList ll = sum ll / length ll The problem is...
var alertResult = await DisplayAlert("Alert Title", Alert Message, null, "OK"); if(!alertResult) { //do your stuff. } Here we will get Ok click action.
@* Renders an anchor (a) element that links to an action method. * The innerHTML of "target-element" is replaced by the result of SomeAction. *@ @Ajax.ActionLink("Update", "SomeAction", new AjaxOptions{UpdateTargetId="target-element" })
In MVC, there are some scenerios where you want to specify an action for routing purposes, either for a link, form action, or a redirect to action. You can specify an action via the MVC namespace. When given a Controller, such as HomeController: public class HomeController : Controller { pub...

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