Tutorial by Examples: bac

public string Foobar { get { return _foobar; } set { _foobar = value; } } private string _foobar = "xyz";
Calling a Java method from native code is a two-step process : obtain a method pointer with the GetMethodID JNI function, using the method name and descriptor ; call one of the Call*Method functions listed here. Java code /*** com.example.jni.JNIJavaCallback.java ***/ package com.example....
Overview In this example 2 clients send information to each other through a server. One client sends the server a number which is relayed to the second client. The second client halves the number and sends it back to the first client through the server. The first client does the same. The server st...
The background-color property sets the background color of an element using a color value or through keywords, such as transparent, inherit or initial. transparent, specifies that the background color should be transparent. This is default. inherit, inherits this property from its parent e...
There are several PHP functions that accept user-defined callback functions as a parameter, such as: call_user_func(), usort() and array_map(). Depending on where the user-defined callback function was defined there are different ways to pass them: Procedural style: function square($number) { ...
You can apply any kind of additional processing to the output by passing a callable to ob_start(). <?php function clearAllWhiteSpace($buffer) { return str_replace(array("\n", "\t", ' '), '', $buffer); } ob_start('clearAllWhiteSpace'); ?> <h1>Lorem Ipsum&l...
Create a snapshot of a whole database: mysqldump [options] db_name > filename.sql Create a snapshot of multiple databases: mysqldump [options] --databases db_name1 db_name2 ... > filename.sql mysqldump [options] --all-databases > filename.sql Create a snapshot of one or more tables...
mysql [options] db_name < filename.sql Note that: db_name needs to be an existing database; your authenticated user has sufficient privileges to execute all the commands inside your filename.sql; The file extension .sql is fully a matter of style. Any extension would work. You cannot spe...
Given a function that accepts a Node-style callback, fooFn(options, function callback(err, result) { ... }); you can promisify it (convert it to a promise-based function) like this: function promiseFooFn(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => fooFn(options, (err, re...
Since Groups are "numbered" some engines also support matching what a group has previously matched again. Assuming you wanted to match something where two equals strings of length three are divided by a $ you'd use: (.{3})\$\1 This would match any of the following strings: "abc$...
The background-image property is used to specify a background image to be applied to all matched elements. By default, this image is tiled to cover the entire element, excluding margin. .myClass { background-image: url('/path/to/image.jpg'); } To use multiple images as background-image, defi...
Gradients are new image types, added in CSS3. As an image, gradients are set with the background-image property, or the background shorthand. There are two types of gradient functions, linear and radial. Each type has a non-repeating variant and a repeating variant: linear-gradient() repeating-...
To pass data from the current view controller back to the previous view controller, you can use the delegate pattern. This example assumes that you have made a segue in the Interface Builder and that you set the segue identifier to showSecondViewController. The outlets and actions must also be ho...
In functions taking callable as an argument, you can also put a string with PHP built-in function. It's common to use trim as array_map parameter to remove leading and trailing whitespace from all strings in the array. $arr = [' one ', 'two ', ' three']; var_dump(array_map('trim', $arr)); ...
C11 Reading an object will cause undefined behavior, if the object is1: uninitialized defined with automatic storage duration it's address is never taken The variable a in the below example satisfies all those conditions: void Function( void ) { int a; int b = a; } 1 (Quo...
Swift label.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor() label.backgroundColor = .redColor() Swift 3 label.backgroundColor = UIColor.red Objective-C label.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
To find a match, the regex engine will consume characters one by one. When a partial match begins, the engine will remember the start position so it can go back in case the following characters don't complete the match. If the match is complete, the is no backtracking If the match isn't complete...
Backtracking can be caused by optional quantifiers or alternation constructs, because the regex engine will try to explore every path. If you run the regex a+b against aaaaaaaaaaaaaa there is no match and the engine will find it pretty fast. But if you change the regex to (aa*)+b the number of comb...
To keep a container running in the background, supply the -d command line option during container startup: docker run -d busybox top The option -d runs the container in detached mode. It is also equivalent to -d=true. A container in detached mode cannot be removed automatically when it stops, t...
To rollback the latest migration, either by reverting the change method or by running the down method. Run command: 5.0 rake db:rollback 5.0 rails db:rollback Rollback the last 3 migrations 5.0 rake db:rollback STEP=3 5.0 rails db:rollback STEP=3 STEP provide the number of ...

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