Tutorial by Examples: cd

Dojo provides us various themes like tundra, claro etc. Load themes using link tag in your HTML page pointing to Google CDN.
The "right-left" rule is a completely regular rule for deciphering C declarations. It can also be useful in creating them. Read the symbols as you encounter them in the declaration... * as "pointer to" - always on the left side [] as "array of" ...
This function will take 2 datetime parameters, the DOB, and a date to check the age at CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Calc_Age] ( @DOB datetime , @calcDate datetime ) RETURNS int AS BEGIN declare @age int IF (@calcDate < @DOB ) RETURN -1 -- If a DOB is supplied a...
Transaction using JDBC driver is used to control how and when a transaction should commit and rollback. Connection to MySQL server is created using JDBC driver JDBC driver for MySQL can be downloaded here Lets start with getting a connection to database using JDBC driver Class.forName("com.m...
in the index.html, link the CSS from Google CDN <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angular_material/1.1.1/angular-material.min.css"> Required dependencies: angular angular-aria angular-animate angular-messages <!-- Angular M...
Let's say you have an academic system. The bounded contexts would be like this: Admission of new undergraduate students Distribution of students on classrooms considering a schedule of the courses and occupation, size and type of classrooms Management of courses, hierarchies and predecessors of...
michael@who-cares:~$ The symbol ~ after the who-cares: is the current directory. ~ actually means the person's home directory. In this case, that's /home/michael. michael@who-cares:~$ cd Downloads michael@who-cares:~/Downloads$ Looks for Downloads in the current directory, then makes that th...
AmCharts provides a load-balanced, reliable CDN for loading the libraries directly from our web server. Use https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/ as a base URL for includes. <script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/amcharts.js"></script> <script src="https://www.amcharts...
If you want to append a series of values [1,2] to the column of dataframe df, you will get NaNs: import pandas as pd series=pd.Series([1,2]) df=pd.DataFrame(index=[3,4]) df['col']=series df col 3 NaN 4 NaN because setting a new column automatically aligns the data by the inde...
Jersey (2) uses HK2 as its dependency injection (DI) system. We can use other injection systems, but its infrastructure is built with HK2, and allows us to also use it within our applications. Setting up simple dependency injection with Jersey takes just a few lines of code. Let say for example we ...
If you have email column you can mask it with email() mask: ALTER TABLE Company ALTER COLUMN Email ADD MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = 'email()') When user tries to select emails from Company table, he will get something like the following values: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Define a new basic command A macro can be defined using \newcommand. For example: \newcommand{\foo}{Just foo, you see?} defines a macro \foo that expands to Just foo, you see?. It can then be used like any built-in command, for example after that definition: He said: ``\foo'' expands to He...
There are times with multiple static objects where you need to be able to guarantee that the singleton will not be destroyed until all the static objects that use the singleton no longer need it. In this case std::shared_ptr can be used to keep the singleton alive for all users even when the static...
How to read a netCDF file (.nc) with python gdal ? import gdal # Path of netCDF file netcdf_fname = "/filepath/PREVIMER_WW3-GLOBAL-30MIN.nc" # Specify the layer name to read layer_name = "hs" # Open netcdf file.nc with gdal ds = gdal.Open("NETCDF:{0}:{1}".f...
To access the cdr, we have to use the cdr function. (cdr (cons a b)) b Also we can verify the following equality: (eq? b (cdr (cons a b))) #t
Pushd "D:\Foo" Dir Popd Pushd will change the directory to the directory following (in this case D:\Foo. Popd returns back to the original directory.
Reference the ArcGIS JavaScript API from our CDN and you are ready to get started:
/** * Save the results from the saved search as .csv and store in file cabinet * Get the file's internal id when loading the file * Use \n to process each row * Get the internal id and whatever columns that need updating * Create a filtered search and pass the internal id * If the passe...
Create a new database. $ wp db create Drop an existing database. $ wp db drop --yes Reset the current database. $ wp db reset --yes Execute a SQL query stored in a file. $ wp db query < debug.sql
A static data member of the class may be fully defined within the class definition if it is declared inline. For example, the following class may be defined in a header. Prior to C++17, it would have been necessary to provide a .cpp file to contain the definition of Foo::num_instances so that it wou...

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