Tutorial by Examples: cli

function downloadCsv() { var blob = new Blob([csvString]); if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob){ window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, "filename.csv"); } else { var a = window.document.createElement("a"); a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob, { ...
To get started quickly you could use Spring Initializr to bootstrap your client. Add the Config Client to automatically generate a project with the needed dependencies. Or you could add the dependency manually to an existing Spring Cloud application. <dependency> <groupId>org.spri...
Few of the eclipse classic versions don't come pre-installed with marketplace, this maybe installed using the following steps: Goto Help → Install new Software Add new Repository(site specified below) General Purpose Tools → Marketplace Client Click Finish and you are done. Marketplace upda...
This is a simple RMI example with five Java classes and two packages, server and client. Server Package PersonListInterface.java public interface PersonListInterface extends Remote { /** * This interface is used by both client and server * @return List of Persons * @throws...
Create the source file for your new Client Script Create a new JavaScript file using your favorite editor or IDE Add the following source code to your file (original source here) /** * A simple "Hello, World!" example of a Client Script. Uses the `pageInit` * event to wr...
Create the source file for your new Client Script Create a new JavaScript file using your favorite editor or IDE Add the following source code to your file (original source here) define([], function () { /** * A simple "Hello, World!" example of a Client Script. U...
To jump to a specific line with colon number. To jump to the first line of a file use :1 To jump to line 23 :23
The Client Script is one of the more commonly used, and complex, script types available to you. As its name implies, the Client Script runs in the browser, i.e. on the client side. It is the only script type that runs on the client side; all others will execute on the server side of NetSuite. The p...
To debug a server instance, start in debug mode. To do so, configure these parameters to be passed to the server: -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n to setenv.bat(Windows) or setenv.sh(Unix) These initialize the server in debug mode, and listen for debug reque...
It's a common request to be able to handle a double-click on a row in a RadGridView. The solution proposed by Telerik (http://demos.telerik.com/silverlight/#GridView/ClickEvents ) is based around code behind: this.grid.AddHandler(GridViewCellBase.CellDoubleClickEvent, new EventHandler<RadRouted...
set clipboard=unnamed This makes it possible to copy/paste between Vim and the system clipboard without specifying any special register. yy yanks the current line into the system clipboard p pastes the content of the system clipboard into Vim This only works if your Vim installation has cli...
Use the quotestar register to copy/paste between Vim and system clipboard "*yy copies the current line into the system clipboard "*p pastes the content of the system clipboard into Vim
You need to add a reference of the file called offline-exporting.js to make the client side exporting available. Please be noted this feature is not supported in browser IE 8, So if you load this chart in any unsupported browser, the module will fall back to the export server. This can be handled wi...
Email clients use different rendering engines to render HTML emails: Apple Mail, Outlook for Mac, Android Mail and iOS Mail use WebKit Outlook 2000/02/03 use Internet Explorer 6 Outlook 2007/10/13 use Microsoft Word Web clients use their browser’s respective engine (e.g. Safari uses WebKit, Ch...
The package colorspace provides GUI for selecting a palette. On the call of choose_palette() function the following window pops-up: When the palette is chosen, just hit OK and do not forget to store the output in a variable, e.g. pal. pal <- choose_palette() The output is a function that t...
This is an example of a web-socket client in javascript. It: Connects to a live demo server. Sends a message. Receives message(s). Disconnects after an interval. var mySocket = null; var serverUrl = 'wss://echo.websocket.org'; // wss: is ws: but using SSL. var oWebSocket = window...
Adding the aurelia-configuration to a cli application sometimes produces a build error. This is caused by a missing dependency so we simply add the dependency to the build bundle. Try the following: npm install deep-extend --save npm install aurelia-configuration --save Now add the followi...
simpleCLI go to simpleCLI, enter the following code java weka.classifiers.rules.ZeroR -t path/to/a-file-of-dataset Jython Example codes from Advanced Weka MOOC course lesson 5.1 # imports import weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils.DataSource as DS import weka.filters.Filter as Filter impor...
This is a sample HTTP client class based on Event extension. The class allows to schedule a number of HTTP requests, then run them asynchronously. http-client.php <?php class MyHttpClient { /// @var EventBase protected $base; /// @var array Instances of EventHttpConnection protect...
This is a sample HTTP client based on Ev extension. Ev extension implements a simple yet powerful general purpose event loop. It doesn't provide network-specific watchers, but its I/O watcher can be used for asynchronous processing of sockets. The following code shows how HTTP requests can be sche...

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