Tutorial by Examples: del

This is a simple example to display read-only data that is tabular in nature using Qt's Model/View Framework. Specifically, the Qt Objects QAbstractTableModel (sub-classed in this example) and QTableView are used. Implementations of the methods rowCount(), columnCount(), data() and headerData() are...
When working with existing model that is quite big and is being regenerated quite often in cases where abstraction needed it might be costly to manually go around redecorating model with interfaces. In such cases one might want to add some dynamic behavior to model generation. Following example wil...
Delete all nodes MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n DETACH doesn't work in older versions(less then 2.3), for previous versions use MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-() DELETE n, r Delete all nodes of a specific label MATCH (n:Book) DELETE n
Backbone models describe how data is stored using JavaScript objects. Each model is a hash of fields called attributes and the behaviour of the model including validation is described by options. A model of Todo item in a TodoApp would be var ToDo = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { assi...
An example of a RLMObject base model class that uses a primary key and some generic default properties. Subclasses can then set metadata specific to their needs. @interface BaseModel : RLMObject @property NSString *uuid; @property NSString *metadata; @end @implementation BaseModel + (N...
Example for deleting all documents where name is equal to "Peter": $bulk = new \MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite; $filter = ['name' => 'Peter']; $bulk->delete($filter); $result = $manager->executeBulkWrite('database_name.collection_name', $bulk);
Given the following XML document: <documentation> <tags> <tag name="Java"> <topic name="Regular expressions"> <example>Matching groups</example> <example>Escaping metacharacter...
1. What is MVC? The Model View Controller (MVC) Pattern is a design pattern most commonly used for creating user interfaces. The major advantage of MVC is that it separates: the internal representation of the application state (the Model), how the information is presented to the user (the View...
This example intend to be a gentle introduction to the Excel Object Model for beginners. Open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) Click View --> Immediate Window to open the Immediate Window (or ctrl + G): You should see the following Immediate Window at the bottom on VBE: This wi...
Just run: svn delete https://svn.example.com/svn/MyRepo/MyProject/branches/MyNewBranch -m "Deleting no longer needed MyNewBranch" Or, using the short URL: svn delete ^/branches/MyNewBranch -m "Deleting no longer needed MyNewBranch" In Windows, you need to use ^^ You ...
NOTE: This example is WIP, it will be updated with diagrams, images, more examples, etc. What is Phong? Phong is a very basic, but real looking light model for surfaces that has three parts: ambient, diffuse, and specular lighting. Ambient Lighting: Ambient lighting is the simplest of the t...
In Normal, type the following to delete a range of lines into a named register :10,20d a This will delete lines 10,20 in register "a. We can verify this by typing :reg This will show the text that was delete in register "a. To paste the contents in "a, just type "ap ...
The following example shows how you can use the pushd command and the popd command in a batch program to change the current directory from the one in which the batch program was run and then change it back: @echo off rem This batch file deletes all .txt files in a specified directory pushd %1 ...
In Visual Studio go to your Solution Explorer then click on Project you will be adding model Right mouse. Choose ADO.NET Entity Data Model Then choose Generate from database and click Next in next window click New Connection... and point to the database you want to generate model from (Could be M...
In HBase, data are stored in tables with columns. Columns are regrouped in column families, which can be for example "personal" or "professional", each of these containing specific informations. To create a table, you need to use the Admin Object, create it using : Admin admin ...
In HBase, you can use 4 types of operations Get : retrieves a row Put : inserts one or more row(s) Delete : delete a row Scan : retrieves several rows If you simply want to retrieve a row, given its row_key you can use the Get object: Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes("my_row_key")...
In the node JS command prompt, inside your loopback project, type the following command to create a new model. slc loopback:model If you have installed LoopBack CLI tool, you can create model with: lb model The command prompt will request informations about the model to create. In this examp...
The unset command is used to remove one or more variables. unset ?-nocomplain? ?--? ?name name name name? Each name is a variable name specified in any of the ways acceptable to the set command. If a name refers to an element of an array then that element is removed without affecting the rema...
Currently it contains rules for following libraries:- ButterKnife RxJava Android Support Library Android Design Support Library Retrofit Gson and Jackson Otto Crashlitycs Picasso Volley OkHttp3 Parcelable #Butterknife -keep class butterknife.** { *; } -keepnames class * { @butterk...
If you don't need automatically generated apk files with unaligned suffix (which you probably don't), you may add the following code to build.gradle file: // delete unaligned files android.applicationVariants.all { variant -> variant.assemble.doLast { variant.outputs.each { output ->...

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