Tutorial by Examples: ann

Edit your package.json to add the following script : { "scripts": { "lint": "eslint .;exit 0" } } Then run it using npm run lint We use exit 0 as a trick to gracefully terminate the script when linting fails, otherwise npm will use eslint return code an...
This sample annotation indicates that the following method is deprecated. @deprecated def anUnusedLegacyMethod(someArg: Any) = { ... } This can also be equivalently written as: @deprecated def anUnusedLegacyMethod(someArg: Any) = { ... }
/** * @param num Numerator * @param denom Denominator * @throws ArithmeticException in case `denom` is `0` */ class Division @throws[ArithmeticException](/*no annotation parameters*/) protected (num: Int, denom: Int) { private[this] val wrongValue = num / denom /** Integer n...
This simple macro annotation outputs the annotated item as-is. import scala.annotation.{compileTimeOnly, StaticAnnotation} import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class noop extends StaticAnnotation { def m...
Declaration annotations should be put on a separate line from the declaration being annotated. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T[] toArray(T[] typeHolder) { ... } However, few or short annotations annotating a single-line method may be put on the same line as the method if...
This error occurs when tables are not adequately structured to handle the speedy lookup verification of Foreign Key (FK) requirements that the developer is mandating. CREATE TABLE `gtType` ( `type` char(2) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(1000) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`type`) ) ENGINE=InnoD...
Interface: public interface FooService { public int doSomething(); } Class: @Service public class FooServiceImpl implements FooService { @Override public int doSomething() { //Do some stuff here return 0; } } It should be noted that a class must imple...
def say_hi MESSAGE = "Hello" puts MESSAGE end The above code results in an error: SyntaxError: (irb):2: dynamic constant assignment.
The MAF file format is a tab-delimited text file format intended for describing somatic DNA mutations detected in sequencing results, and is distinct from the Multiple Alignment Format file type, which is intended for representing aligned nucleotide sequences. Column headers and ordering may someti...
NSMutableArray can be initialized as an empty array like this: NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // or NSMutableArray *array2 = @[].mutableCopy; // or NSMutableArray *array3 = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMutableArray can be initialized with another array like this: NSMuta...
AppBundle/Entity/Person.php <?php namespace AppBundle\Entity; use DoctrineORM\Mapping as ORM; use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\Constraints\UniqueEntity; /** * @ORM\Entity * @ORM\Table(name="persons") * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Entity\PersonRe...
Often times you will have reason to catch when your program is being told to stop by the OS and take some actions to preserve the state, or clean up your application. To accomplish this you can use the os/signal package from the standard library. Below is a simple example of assigning all signals fr...
This annotation ensures that only the valid integer constants that you expect are used. The following example illustrates the steps to create an annotation: import android.support.annotation.IntDef; public abstract class Car { //Define the list of accepted constants @IntDef({MICROCA...
Another way to add an event listener is to use on-event annotation in DOM. Below is an example using up event, which is fired when finger/mouse goes up <dom-module id="annotated-listener"> <template> <style> .inner{ width: calc(200px); he...
If you are using library that contains (for example) AwesomeViewController with a wrong status bar color you can try this: let awesomeViewController = AwesomeViewController() awesomeViewController.navigationBar.barStyle = .blackTranslucent // or other style
Arrow is, vaguely speaking, the class of morphisms that compose like functions, with both serial composition and “parallel composition”. While it is most interesting as a generalisation of functions, the Arrow (->) instance itself is already quite useful. For instance, the following function: sp...
In C, multi-line comments, /* and */, do not nest. If you annotate a block of code or function using this style of comment: /* * max(): Finds the largest integer in an array and returns it. * If the array length is less than 1, the result is undefined. * arr: The array of integers to search....
When write() is called for a named or unnamed pipe or stream socket whose reading end is closed, two things happen: POSIX.1-2001 SIGPIPE signal is sent to the process that called write() POSIX.1-2004 SIGPIPE signal is sent to the thread that called write() EPIPE error is returned ...
Get All Annotation //following method returns all annotations object added on map NSArray *allAnnotations = mapView.annotations; Get Annotation View for (id<MKAnnotation> annotation in mapView.annotations) { MKAnnotationView* annotationView = [mapView viewForAnnotation:annotation];...
If the file already exists, it will be overwritten! String fileName = "file.zip"; // name of the file String urlToGetFrom = "http://www.mywebsite.com/"; // URL to get it from String pathToSaveTo = "C:\\Users\\user\\"; // where to put it ...

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