Tutorial by Topics: view

UIPageViewController provides users the ability to easily transition between several views by using a swipe gesture. In order to create a UIPageViewController, you must implement the UIPageViewControllerDataSource methods. These include methods to return both the UIPageViewController before and afte...
ParameterDetailsshowsFPSDisplay a count of the current frame rate in Frames Per Second in the view.showsNodeCountDisplay a count of the current number of SKNodes being displayed in the view.showsPhysicsDisplay a visual representation of the SKPhysicsBodys in the view.showsFieldsDisplay an image rep...
WKWebView is the centerpiece of the modern WebKit API introduced in iOS 8 & OS X Yosemite. It replaces UIWebView in UIKit and WebView in AppKit, offering a consistent API across the two platforms. Boasting responsive 60fps scrolling, built-in gestures, streamlined communication between app and ...
It's important to understand the basic concept of the surface view before using: It's basically just a hole in the current window Native UI can be placed on top of it Drawing is done using a dedicated, non UI thread Drawing is not hardware accelerated Uses two buffers: One is currently show...
This section provides an overview of what LabVIEW is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within LabVIEW, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for LabVIEW is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topic...
Everything related to TextView customization in Android SDK TextView (Context context) (TextView)findViewById(int id) void setText (int resid) void setText (CharSequence text)//You can use String as an argument Try to use it in xml design or programmatically.
ListView is a viewgroup which groups several items from a data source like array or database and displays them in a scroll-able list. Data are bound with listview using an Adapter class. ListView is a view group that displays a list of scrollable items. The list items are automatically insert...
@inject<NameOfService><Identifier> @<Identifier>.Foo() @inject <type> <name>
Using the SWRevealViewController class as the main navigation might not always result in the best user experience. If the sidebar contains only 5 or less entries (or the content can be compressed into 5 or less entries), you should consider using the default tab bar. The tab bar is intuitive and ...
ImageView (android.widget.ImageView) is a View for displaying and manipulating image resources, such as Drawables and Bitmaps. Some effects, discussed in this topic, can be applied to the image. The image source can be set in XML file (layout folder) or by programatically in Java code. The me...

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