Tutorial by Topics: to

This section provides an overview of what core-bluetooth is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within core-bluetooth, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for core-bluetooth is new, you may need to create initial versions o...
Documentation Advertisement - A representation of a Bluetooth LE advertisement payload. Advertisement Publisher - Manages the sending of Bluetooth LE advertisements. Advertisement Watcher - Manages the watching of Bluetooth LE advertisements. Notes Windows 10 can only act in central mod...
@goto label @label label Overuse or inappropriate use of advanced control flow makes code hard to read. @goto or its equivalents in other languages, when used improperly, leads to unreadable spaghetti code. Similar to languages like C, one cannot jump between functions in Julia. This also...
A custom function in google docs is tied to a specific document (and thus can only be used in that document). It must therefore be created with that document's scrip edit (Tools -> Script Editor). Once saved, it can then be used like any other regular spreadsheet formula.
JTOpen links https://gist.github.com/phpdave/52d6d8f135181a042901b2918141f82a#file-zdocumentation-md
<Button ... /> android:onClick="methodname" button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){...}); public class classname implements View.OnLongClickListener
The goal here is to not lose content, so the regex must not consume (match) any input. Rather it must match between the last character of the previous target input and the first character of the next target input. eg for 8-character substrings, we need to break the input up (ie match) at the place...
Union types are used in several languages, notably C-language, to contain several different types which can "overlap" in the same memory space. In other words, they might contain different fields all of which start at the same memory offset, even when they might have different lengths an...
This example has a datepicker for the 'Start Date', an input for the 'Duration' (in weeks) and a second datepicker that is disabled for user input as it is updated on change of either the first datepicker or the duration inputs.
Promises have state, they start as pending and can settle to: fulfilled meaning that the computation completed successfully. rejected meaning that the computation failed. Promise returning functions should never throw, they should return rejections instead. Throwing from a promise returnin...
The Spring Data project allows application programmers to work with data stores using a consistent interface that makes use of an abstraction called Repository. A Spring Data Repository is modeled after the Repository pattern made popular by domain-driven design. Spring Data provides a central Ja...
The Decorator pattern allows you to add or modify behavior of objects in a situational way without affecting the base object. This can be achieved though plain Ruby using the stdlib, or via popular gems such as Draper.
A bottom sheet is a sheet that slides up from the bottom edge of the screen. Bottom sheets slide up from the bottom of the screen to reveal more content. They were added to the Android Support Library in v23.2.0 version.

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