Tutorial by Topics

It refers to the splitting of sentences and words from the body of text into sentence tokens or word tokens respectively. It is an essential part of NLP, as many modules work better (or only) with tags. For example, pos_tag needs tags as input and not the words, to tag them by parts of speech. ...
Stop words are the words which are mostly used as fillers and hardly have any useful meaning. We should avoid these words from taking up space in database or taking up valuable processing time. We can easily make a list of words to be used as stop words and then filter these words from the data we w...
What is introspection? Introspection is looking inward to know about the inside. That is a simple definition of introspection. In programming and Ruby in general…introspection is the ability to look at object, class… at run time to know about that one.
The TypeFamilies language extension allows the programmer to define type-level functions. What distinguishes type functions from non-GADT type constructors is that parameters of type functions can be non-parametric whereas parameters of type constructors are always parametric. This distinction is im...
Strict Mode is a special class introduced in Android 2.3 for debugging. This developer tools detect things done accidentally and bring them to our attention so that we can fix them. It is most commonly used to catch the accidental disk or network access on the applications’ main thread, where UI ope...
This topic illustrates how to exploit Functional Programming in a WPF application. The first example comes from a post by Māris Krivtežs (ref Remarks section at the bottom). The reason for revisiting this project is twofold: 1\ The design supports separation of concerns, while the model is kept pur...
MySQL offers FULLTEXT searching. It searches tables with columns containing text for the best matches for words and phrases. FULLTEXT searching works strangely on tables containing small numbers of rows. So, when you're experimenting with it, you may find it helpful to obtain a medium-sized ta...
This section provides an overview of what apache-spark-sql is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within apache-spark-sql, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for apache-spark-sql is new, you may need to create initial ver...
Pygame is the go-to library for making multimedia applications, especially games, in Python. The official website is http://www.pygame.org/. pygame.mixer.init(frequency=22050, size=-16, channels=2, buffer=4096) pygame.mixer.pre_init(frequency, size, channels, buffer) pygame.mixer.quit() pyg...
The cut command is a fast way to extract parts of lines of text files. It belongs to the oldest Unix commands. Its most popular implementations are the GNU version found on Linux and the FreeBSD version found on MacOS, but each flavor of Unix has its own. See below for differences. The input lines a...
Webview can be used to load external webpages or html content. This component is there by default.
In order to use custom tags in JSP,we used to have TLD files,along with a Java class to define the custom tags but post JSP 2.0 specs,the same can be achieved,without the need for any Source code files,making it easy to maintain and it can also be created by someone with basic knowledge of JSP tags ...
This tutorial covers all the necessary steps required to upload an iOS app to the App Store.
This topic contains information about working with columns and rows, like resizing, hiding, autofit
Pivot table is one kind of interactive table, which can be used to calculate data, such as get sum or count data. Also, users can change pivot table layout for analyzing data with different ways or reassign row/column label. Every time users change layout, data will be recalculated in pivot table. ...
This topic explains how the WinForms engine works to display forms and how you control their lifetimes.
Currently, reading all elements in JSON array is not possible in Redshift. For e.g. if you want to read Manufacturer and model as columns from following JSON dim_idnumberinfomanufacturermodel 2001Nissan~Sentra^Nissan~Maxima^Ford~Taurus^Ford~Escort^NissanSentra 2002Nissan~Sentra^Nissan~Ma...
Regular non-capturing groups allow the engine to re-enter the group and attempt to match something different (such as a different alternation, or match fewer characters when a quantifier is used). Atomic groups differ from regular non-capturing groups in that backtracking is forbidden. Once the gro...

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