Tutorial by Topics

Use it at all? You might argue that the intention of the .NET framework is that queries do not have any side effects and the ForEach method is by definition causing a side effect. You might find your code more maintainable and easier to test if you use a plain foreach instead.
In .NET strings System.String are sequence of characters System.Char, each character is an UTF-16 encoded code-unit. This distinction is important because spoken language definition of character and .NET (and many other languages) definition of character are different. One character, which shoul...
{Binding PropertyName} is equivalent to {Binding Path=PropertyName} {Binding Path=SomeProperty.SomeOtherProperty.YetAnotherProperty} {Binding Path=SomeListProperty[1]} ParameterDetailsPathSpecifies the path to bind to. If unspecified, binds to the DataContext itself.UpdateSourceTriggerSpec...
random(max) //Returns a (long) pseudo-random number between 0 (inclusive) and max (exclusive) random(min, max) //Returns a (long) pseudo-random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) randomSeed(seed) //Initializes de pseudo-random number generator, causing it to start at a ...
This topic consists of a wide variety of useful tips and tricks discovered by SO users through their experience in coding. These are often examples of ways to circumvent common frustrations or ways of using Excel in a more "clever" way.
Terminology Task - an atomic piece of work which a build performs. Tasks have inputs, outputs and task dependencies. dependencies {} - Declares File or binary dependencies necessary to execute tasks. For example, org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.21 is shorthand coordinates to a Maven dependency. rep...
<!-- ko if:myObservable --><!-- /ko --> <i data-bind="if:myObservable"></i> What a binding is Essentially a binding or a data binding is a way to link your ViewModels to your Views(templates) and vice versa. KnockoutJS uses two-way data binding, which ...

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