Tutorial by Topics: ad

There are a variety of technologies for "packaging" Java applications, webapps and so forth, for deployment to the platform on which they will run. They range from simple library or executable JAR files, WAR and EAR files, through to installers and self-contained executables. At the...
A ReadOnlyCollection provides a read-only view to an existing collection (the 'source collection'). Items are not directly added to or removed from a ReadOnlyCollection. Instead, they are added and removed from the source collection and the ReadOnlyCollection will reflect these changes to the sou...
ParameterDetailsSuiteScript 2.0-scriptContext{Object}scriptContext.newRecord{N/record.Record} A reference to the record being loaded from the databasescriptContext.type{UserEventType} The action type that triggered this User EventscriptContext.form{N/ui/serverWidget.Form} A reference to the UI form...
In C++, as in C, the C++ compiler and compilation process makes use of the C preprocessor. As specified by the GNU C Preprocessor manual, a header file is defined as the following: A header file is a file containing C declarations and macro definitions (see Macros) to be shared between severa...
This would be very useful to the Vaadin and Maven community because there is no documentation
Most operators in Rust can be defined ("overloaded") for user-defined types. This can be achieved by implementing the respective trait in std::ops module.
HTTP GET https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/metadata/{reportType}/columns?key={APIKey} HTTP GET https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/metadata/{reportType}/columns?access_token={Access_token} Parameter nameDescriptionreportTypeReport type. Allowed Values: ga. Where ga corresponds to ...
The READ statement is a staple of COBOL transaction processing programming. Reads data from external storage into working store. With or without locks or sharing, sequentially, by random access, or by key. Declarative clauses for AT END may also be specified, but some programmers prefer explici...

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