Tutorial by Topics: co

<pre>Formatted text</pre> <code>Inline Code</code> The code element should be used for any kind of "string that a computer would recognize" (HTML5), for example: source code terms from markup/programming languages (element names, function names, etc.) ...
This section provides an overview of Value Converters in Aurelia. It should detail not only how to create a value converter, but also why you might want to use them and many examples of basic tasks accomplished through the use of a Value Converter. Value converters can be chained and used alongsi...
Code contracts allow for compile or runtime analysis of pre/post conditions of methods and invariant conditions for objects. These conditions may be used to ensure callers and return value match valid states for application processing. Other uses for Code Contracts include documentation generati...
ParametersDetailsmanagerCLLocationManager referenceregionCLRegion could be circular region (geofence or beacon region)beaconsArray of CLBeacon contains all ranged beacons Beacons are IOT objects. We are focusing on those which conform to iBeacon protocol a Apple standard. Each beacon is a one...
DataFrame.merge(right, how='inner', on=None, left_on=None, right_on=None, left_index=False, right_index=False, sort=False, suffixes=('_x', '_y'), copy=True, indicator=False) Merge DataFrame objects by performing a database-style join operation by columns or indexes. If joining columns ...
The PHP Manual provides both a functional reference and a language reference along with explanations of PHP's major features. The PHP Manual, unlike most languages' documentation, encourages PHP developers to add their own examples and notes to each page of the documentation. This topic explains con...
This section discusses some of the common mistakes that a C programmer should be aware of and should avoid making. For more on some unexpected problems and their causes, please see Undefined behavior
Comment Blocks If you need to comment or uncomment several lines at once, you can use the IDE's Edit Toolbar buttons: Comment Block - Adds a single apostrophe to the start of all selected lines Uncomment Block - Removes the first apostrophe from the start of all selected lines Mult...

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