Tutorial by Topics: di

In Spring Web MVC, DispatcherServlet class works as the front controller. It is responsible for managing the flow of the spring MVC application. DispatcherServlet is also like normal servlet need to be configured in web.xml
axWindowsMediaPlayer is the control for the playing multimedia files like videos and music.
I am using SQL Server since 2004. I started with 2000 and now I am going to use SQL Server 2016. I created tables, views, functions, triggers, stored procedures and wrote many SQL queries but I did not use many new features from subsequent versions. I googled it but unfortunately, I did not find all...
This topic is about enhancing an AlertDialog with additional features.
Read the data that is collected. $result represents the result from the query. $result->mysqli_fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH) $result->mysqli_fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM) ParameterDescriptionMYSQLI_BOTHtells the script to use the column names as indexes e.g. $data['username']MYSQLI_NUMtells...
How to build dropdown's that are dependent on each other.
In C11 there is a standard thread library, <threads.h>, but no known compiler that yet implements it. Thus, to use multithreading in C you must use platform specific implementations such as the POSIX threads library (often referred to as pthreads) using the pthread.h header. thrd_t // Im...
In the new Windows 10 Applications there are many ways to reference a resource inside XAML code or in code behind. First of all you have to declare the resources in some accessible place. The easy way is to declare a ResourceDictionary in context, let's say in the current page.
Learn how to create cydia substrate tweaks for jailbroken iPhones. Those tweaks will enable you to modify the operating system's behavior to act the way you would like it to. Installing Theos https://github.com/theos/theos/wiki/Installation
ionic view is a mobile app which you have to install in your mobile, so that you can view your app without creating .apk files. By sharing your app id, others can also view your app in their mobile using ionic view. Site: https://view.ionic.io/
Visual Studio is a open Source IDE which provides intellisense and editing facility for code .This IDE supports many languages like(Ionic ,C, C# ,AngularJs, TypeScript ,Android and so on) . These languages are able to execute there code by adding its Extensions in VSCode. By using VSCode we able to ...
Node.js has been designed to be single threaded. So for all practical purposes, applications that launch with Node will run on a single thread. However, Node.js itself runs multi-threaded. I/O operations and the like will run from a thread pool. Further will any instance of a node application run o...
Multidimensional Arrays in Ruby are just arrays whose elements are other arrays. The only catch is that since Ruby arrays can contain elements of mixed types, you must be confident that the array that you are manipulating is effectively composed of other arrays and not, for example, arrays and stri...
Accept-Encoding tells the server what encoding the client accepts. Encoding is mostly used for compression. Accept-Encoding: Encoding;QualityFactor Accept-Encoding: Encoding;QualityFactor, type;QualityFactor, type;QualityFactor, ... ParameterDescriptionEncodingThe type of encoding to u...
In this topic, you will learn how to modify Contact and Address information through code on different screens inside Acumatica.
PyAudio provides Python bindings for PortAudio, the cross-platform audio I/O library. With PyAudio, you can easily use Python to play and record audio on a variety of platforms. PyAudio is inspired by: 1.pyPortAudio/fastaudio: Python bindings for PortAudio v18 API. 2.tkSnack: cross-platform sound ...

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