Tutorial by Topics: gen

Sometimes you need to generate the skeleton for the test cases based on the classes you have in your project.
This tutorial will show you how to use Weka in JAVA code, load data file, train classifiers and explains some of important concepts behind machine learning. Weka is a toolkit for machine learning. It includes a library of machine learning and visualisation techniques and features a user friendly G...
Rust has a built in capability to provide random number generation through the rand crate. Once part of the Rust standard library, the functionality of the rand crate was separated to allow its development to stabilize separate to the rest of the Rust project. This topic will cover how to simply add...
Reagent is a library that implements elements of React.js into ClojureScript, like the creations of custom "tags", which is implemented in Reagent through functions.
In this topic, we'll look to explain how to Customise axes, titles and legends whilst using the ggplot2 library.
Genymotion is a fast third-party emulator that can be used instead of the default Android emulator. In some cases it's as good as or better than developing on actual devices!
Generic views are views that perform a certain pre-defined action, like creating, editing or deleting objects, or simply showing a template. Generic views have to be distinguished from functional views, which are always hand-written to perform the required tasks. In a nutshell, it can be said that ...
The angular-cli tool can help you to scaffold different parts of an angular application (components, directives, pipes, services, classes, guards, interfaces, enums and modules). ng generate [component | directive | service | pipe | class | enum | interface | guard | module] [name] [flags...] ...
A preview of the difference between pug code and the generated markup Pug makes possible to write HTML in a simplest way, using a clean, whitespace sensitive syntax.
How to generate a random number in Ruby. Alias of Random::DEFAULT.rand. This uses a pseudo-random number generator which approximates true randomness
Machine learning problems often require dealing with large quantities of training data with limited computing resources, particularly memory. It is not always possible to load an entire training set into memory. Fortunately, this can be dealt with through the use of Keras' fit_generator method, Pyth...
This section provides an overview of what genetic-algorithm is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within genetic-algorithm, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for genetic-algorithm is new, you may need to create initial ...
When starting with unit-testing all kinds of questions come up: What is unit-testing? What is a SetUp and TearDown? How do I deal with dependencies? Why do unit-testing at all? How do I make good unit tests? This article will answer all these questions, so you can start unit-testing in any languag...
This section provides an overview of what genymotion is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within genymotion, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for genymotion is new, you may need to create initial versions of those rel...
UIFeedbackGenerator and its subclasses offers a public interface to the Taptic Engine® found on iOS devices starting with iPhone 7. Haptics, branded Taptics, provide tactile feedback for on-screen events. While many system controls provide haptics out-of-the-box, developers can use UIFeedbackGenerat...

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