Tutorial by Topics: if

M and DAX are two building blocks of Power BI. They both are functional languages but they differ considerably and are used for very different purposes. This page shows code samples for both languages and explains their purpose. M and DAX are two building blocks of Power BI. They both are fun...
In Bosun notifications are used for both new alert incidents and when an alert is acked/closed/etc. If you don't want the other events to trigger a notification add runOnActions = false to the notification definition. See Notification Overview for more examples.
The conditional expression and selection statement. Use of explicit scope terminators is recommended. COBOL conditional expressions allow shortforms, where the current identifier (and conditional) is assumed through multiple condition tests, unless explicitly given. IF A = 1 OR 2 ... is equi...
FCM : https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/ios/client
Simply place this code as a Public Module that can be called by any other procedure. When calling the code, add in the name of the table you want to look up within the parenthesis. The Code returns a True/False value on whether or not a table already exists. This is helpful when needing to dete...
boolean(path_to_node) Boolean function has other uses Check if a string is empty Check if the argument is not a number (NaN) or is 0
boolean(path_to_node/text()) string(path_to_node) != '' Boolean function has other uses Check if a node is present Check if the argument is not a number (NaN) or is 0 String function is used to return the string value of a node.
ParamDetailsObject(Object) The JSON objectReplacer(Function | Array<string | number> - optiotinal) filter Function | ArraySpace(Number | string - optional) Amount of white space in the JSON

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