Tutorial by Topics: int

radiobutton = tk.Radiobutton(parent, **kwargs) ParameterDescriptionparenttkinter widgets exist in a hierarchy. Except for the root window, all widgets have a parent. Some online tutorials call this "master". When the widget is added to the screen with pack, place or grid, it will ...
&<variable> - access by reference (=gets the pointer to the data of the variable) *<variable> - deference operator (=gets the data object from a pointer) <type>* - data type that points to <type> (e.g. `int*)
//Replace firebase values with your app api values import firebase from 'firebase'; componentWillMount() { firebase.initializeApp({ apiKey: "yourAPIKey", authDomain: "authDomainNAme", databaseURL: "yourDomainBaseURL", projectId: "yourProjectID", storag...
Blueprints are a powerful concept in Flask application development that allow for flask applications to be more modular and be able to follow multiple patterns. They make administration of very large Flask applications easier and as such can be used to scale Flask applications. You can reuse Bluepri...
The $http service of AngularJS allows us to communicate with a backend and make HTTP requests. There are cases where we want to capture every request and manipulate it before sending it to the server. Other times we would like to capture the response and process it before completing the call. Global...
An Unicode code point, what programmers often think of one character, often corresponds to what the user thinks is one character. Sometimes however a “character” is made up of multiple code points, as the examples above show. This means that operations like slicing a string, or getting a characte...
display dialog text [default answer text] [hidden answer boolean] [buttons list of text] [default button text/integer] [cancel button text/integer] [with title text] [with icon text/integer/stop/‌note/‌caution/file] [giving up after integer] display alert text [message text] [as critical/informat...
Nightwatch has been providing Acceptance and End-to-End testing for Meteor apps since v0.5 days, and has managed migrations from PHP to Spark to Blaze and to React; and all major Continuous Integration platforms. For additional help, please see: Nightwatch API Documentation Nightwatch.js Google...
Why do we need Interrupts Lets imagine: Our computer is connected to a keypad. We want to enter something. When we press the key nothing happens because the computer is dealing with different things and doesnt notice that we want something from him. We need Interrupts! Interrupts are triggered ...
Serial.begin(baudrate) // Set baud rate (bits per second) for serial data transmission Serial.println(value) // Print data to serial port followed by Carriage Return \r and Newline character \n serial.Serial((port=None, baudrate=9600, bytesize=EIGHTBITS, parity=PARITY_NONE, stopbits=STOPBITS_ONE...
Create an ng-hide class in css file. ng-show/hide will not work without the class. More details
WITH CTE_name (column_name[,...]) AS ( SELECT column_name[,...] FROM base_table UNION ALL SELECT column_name[,...] FROM CTE_name WHERE <recursion limiting condition> ) SELECT column_name[,...] FROM CTE_name

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