Tutorial by Topics: inter

display dialog text [default answer text] [hidden answer boolean] [buttons list of text] [default button text/integer] [cancel button text/integer] [with title text] [with icon text/integer/stop/‌note/‌caution/file] [giving up after integer] display alert text [message text] [as critical/informat...
Why do we need Interrupts Lets imagine: Our computer is connected to a keypad. We want to enter something. When we press the key nothing happens because the computer is dealing with different things and doesnt notice that we want something from him. We need Interrupts! Interrupts are triggered ...
public static void GUILayout.Label(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options) public static bool GUILayout.Button(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options) public static string GUILayout.TextArea(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options)
Unlike source code files, the semicolon ';' is mandatory to terminate each expression in the REPL.
With python matplotlib you can properly make animated graphs.
zy = interp1(x,y); zy = interp1(x,y,'method'); zy = interp1(x,y,'method','extrapolation'); zy = interp1(x,y,zx); zy = interp1(x,y,zx,'method'); zy = interp1(x,y,zx,'method','extrapolation');
Internationalization is an engineering process intended to generalize a product so that it can handle multiple languages, scripts and cultural conventions without the need for redesign or recompilation. It involves a range of activities, such as: Prepare software distribution platforms for a gl...
The this pointer is a keyword for C++ therfore there is no library needed to implement this. And do not forget this is a pointer! So you cannot do: this.someMember(); As you access member functions or member variables from pointers using the arrow symbol -> : this->someMember(); ...
foreign import ccall unsafe "foo" hFoo :: Int32 -> IO Int32 {- Imports a function named foo in some object file, and defines the symbol hFoo which can be called with Haskell code. -} While cabal has support for including a C and C++ libraries in a Haskell package, there are a f...
let raw_ptr = &pointee as *const type // create constant raw pointer to some data let raw_mut_ptr = &mut pointee as *mut type // create mutable raw pointer to some mutable data let deref = *raw_ptr // dereference a raw pointer (requires unsafe block) Raw pointers are not guarant...
<element [variableName]="value"></element> //Declaring input to child when using @Input() method. <element (childOutput)="parentFunction($event)"></element> //Declaring output from child when using @Output() method. @Output() pageNumberClicked = new Ev...
Released in Tkinter is Python's most popular GUI (Graphical User Interface) library. This topic explains proper usage of this library and its features. The capitalization of the tkinter module is different between Python 2 and 3. For Python 2 use the following: from Tkinter import * # Capita...
Weka has many interfaces, Explorer, KnowledgeFlow, Experimenter, SimpleCLI, Workbench. All of them share mostly can do the same tasks, with different focus and flexibility. Here, we are going to explore their different focuses and flexibilities. Explorer pro: do all things quickly give ...
Let's say we get inspired of some ideas from modern user interfaces used in programs and convert them to React components. That's what "User interface solutions" topic consists of. Attribution is appretiated.
With the pointer-events property, you can control wich part of your drawing will react to pointer events.

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